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Synth Brushes, Please Help.

Wait, did they change it? The synth used to be available in both. I think.
Wait, did they change it? The synth used to be available in both. I think.
Yes so he has a black Boar and getting a green Synthetic...........I have a black synthetic and getting a black boar(But wish it was green for variety but not available in boar) TRY TO KEEP UP BOSS respectfully 🤪
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Yes so he has a black Boar and getting a green Synthetic...........I have a black synthetic and getting a black boar(But wish it was green for variety but not available in boar) TRY TO KEEP UP BOSS respectfully 🤪
If you're talking about the AP Shave brushes they are a great value, and the handles are also very good, even though the selection is limited. But a lot of synthetics are using similar if not the same knot, so if you've got some already in handles you like, it doesn't make a lot of sense. But for a first synth, APShave is were I'd send anyone who asks.

@Brew you really can't go wrong with any choice, for what they cost I'd steer you to the SynBad and either the Tuxedo or SilkSmoke, that gives you a good sense of the options. They are so reasonable that just trying both in your preferred size is the way to go.

I will say that vs a badger I find synths of the same diameter feel relatively smaller for some reason. So don't fear going bigger with one.
I concur, SynBad is freaking awesome!

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@Brew , prepare to be amazed. That Stirling Christmas Eve is awesome! I've used it a few times already, and I just got it a week or two ago (I think). Heck, I might not need another soap until after Xmas.
I decided to go with a Stirling brush for the following reasons, in no particular order: I like the Stirling boar. Stirling is a TSC vendor. Some well-respected thumbs up here.
The Sterling Tuxedo is my favorite of all the synthetics that I've tried. The funny thing is that the guy I got it from didn't like it because of its springiness. Springiness doesn't bother me as my second favorite synthetic is the Omega S-brush, which I've seen described as a 'springy broom from hell'. Using these without lather fling just seemed intuitive to me and they've never cased me grief.
Best of luck with your new brush, Larry. I have a Muhle STF too, but don't have the issue you have described. I do vaguely remember making some adjustments in technique when I started using it, but cannot specifically recall what they may have been. I am a believer in modern synths - they are easy to use and seemingly last for years.