The Shaving Cadre

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Straight Razor of the day

So, I am completely aware this $23 razor (including strop) should be nothing more than a razor shaped object. The idea of actually putting the blade to skin is perfectly laughable...a bloody nightmare, I can hear myself saying. And yet, I couldn't have been more wrong on all accounts.

My partner bought it for me as a gift with best intentions. I quietly put it on a shelf after thanking him profusely, knowing it would never see light of day or the skin of my face. And then today happened. I previously sent my two users, a 2nd generation Filarmonica 14 and a Joseph Elliot Travel Size Near Wedge to Alfredo G. to be honed. A JNAT for the Fillie and Coticule for the Elliot is in progress. But, those do me squat all good today, as my great grandfather used to say. What to do? I remembered that pos razor my partner bought me that I'd tried hard to forget. Feeling in a masochistic mood, I took it from its' hiding place and went to my shop to retrieve my water stones and diamond pastes and emulsion. I figured the worst I could do was ruin it, which would be markedly better than the state it was currently in. I set the bevel on 4K, went to 8k, 12k, 1 micron and .25 micron diamond pastes on handplaned cherry, and .10 micron emulsion on the "strop" that came with the razor. 60 laps, I thought, and luck be a lady.

Gents, to my absolute shock, I had a phenomenal shave. No nicks or cuts, no irritation, cleanly sliced whiskers, and the steel felt buttery on my skin. A DFS was the reward.

Am I endorsing this razor, or suggesting everyone run out and buy one? I am not. How much of what coalesced into a wonderful shave was sheer dumb fortune? Maybe all of it. Will I be setting my Fillie and Elliot aside? Not on your life! However, at 46, I learned a very valuable lesson...something about judging and books and covers.

PS. I am impressed enough with this razor that I'm taking the wood (think popsicle stick reject material) scales, and replacing them with some Gaboon Ebony, and then putting this razor into my regular rotation.

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