The Shaving Cadre

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Stirred UP


Won't Share His Sugar Daddy
well the title is a tad on the vague side but I was a frequent visitor to a thread on a knife/gun collector forum that had a thread like this.

What Blisters your Backside, Heats your Hiney, Reds your Rump, Ruffles your feathers, you get the point.

i will begin

The rural area I live in while mostly 2 lane roads does have a few main 4-lane thoroughfares. For the last several weeks road construction has been happening on one of said highways. Now the normal speed limit is 55. The work zone speed limit was lowered to 45 this I understand completely and agree with. What burns me up is that the vast majority of traffic in said work zone speeds past you to merge at the last minute then drives 25 in the work zone. Yes needless to say it takes me normally 20 minutes to commute to work now take 45. It rubs me a tad raw!

Let’s keep this thread clean and gentlemanly. Don’t say it if you don’t want my or your 7 year old to read it! (Politics, Religion, and other really pot stirring subjects probably shouldn’t be discussed)
I suffer from a lot of traffic related issues also.... my biggest thing is merging. I used to live near and work in Charlotte. It would take an hour longer to get to or from work if you hit business traffic because people can't flippin merge.

In one of the two semi large towns near where I live now, they closed off all the turning lanes with planters and put very undersized roundabouts in. The drivers I'm that town couldn't grasp the turning lanes so it is miserable now.
Just an idea to the competency of the designer. .... they put a median with plants in front of the fire department. ..... until the first time the fd drove through it, then they decided to rip it back out.

And there is no room for snow clearing at all now and we are in a snow belt....
What about those people that obliviously watch the clerk ringing up item after item at the grocery store while ABSOLUTELY NOBODY is bagging them. They just sit there merrily watching everything building up on the belt. Then pay their total and then and only then do they stroll to the end of the belt to start bagging their items while everyone else in line gets the privilege of watching them do so.
Well Dang Dave, I was good until you got me all stirred up with your bag comment. It's no secret I despise how California has banned "single use bags" so I won't talk about that. But you do bring up a new angle that ensures I remain angry about the bag ban. We tend to frequent two stores that are in cahoots with the devil...Walmart and the 99cent only store, both raise my blood pressure to unsafe levels. The 99 cent store has a message playing over the loud speaker while you shop asking you to NOT put stuff in your reusable shopping bags because the checkers will happily put your purchases in the bags you brought. Since I usual go in and pick up one or two things I usually don't need a bag but when my wife and I go to stock our shelves with massive amounts of cheap discount products we walk out with 2 or more HUGE Aldi bags filled with stuff we bought AND I BAGGED. They simply won't even try to bag an order that large despite the fact you could shove a house into each bag and still have room for a few plastic straws. Then you have walmart...O...M...G! no matter the size of the order the checkers put your items on top of that little round bag thingy and wait for you to take the bag you gave them BACK from them to start bagging your own items. THEN they scan and place one item at a time waiting for you to finish putting the last item in the bag. I don't think these workers can see whats happening. They have installed huge self checkout sections with wonderful self bagging set up. Once they have us all trained to bag our own stuff they will pull out the rest of the checkout lanes and fire half the workforce.
I look forward to the days when you just bag your stuff while you're shopping and walk right on out the door.
GRRRR. Ya got me on a roll now Dave. California is in the process of adding plastic straws to the list of banned items and one city has even passes an ordinance that requires any waiter/waitress who provides a straw to a customer without that customer explicitly requesting said straw be imprisoned. Ok, the ordinance allows for a warning for the first offense but requires fines and jail time thereafter.
I can see it now, a party of 6 walk in to a local eatery, 3 ask for straws, two are children and the other one orders a frozen margarita from the bar. The waiter, who is covering 3 additional tables because the other waiter was arrested on her break for distribution of plastic straws, hands out the drinks. Distracted and overworked, the waiter sets the straws in front of the guy who ordered from the bar and hands the kids juice box drinks in front of them. Moments later an undercover straw marshal (a division of the expanded air marshal service) sees that the kids are attempting to place the little plastic straws into their drinks, but his recording proves the kids never asked for plastic straws. ...feeling generous the straw marshal lets the waiter off with a warning for BOTH infractions. Just then the bar waiter sets the frozen margarita in front of the guy who ordered it. The waiter and straw marshal lock eyes...the three straws. WHAM! the straw marshal notes the triple violation ensuring the waiter will spend years behind bars. As the waiter is prone on the floor being cuffed the guy with the margarita tries to convince the straw marshal he asked for all three straws. But the Straw Marshal is unswayed, with the guys lips frozen to the steel straw all the straw marshal heard was gurgling and clanking steel.

The current movement is to limit plastic straws use to those who specifically ask for a PLASTIC STRAW but soon plastic straws will be gone...replaced with paper straws (I have never had a paper straw stay intact long enough to finish a large drink). Rest assured, when the day comes that I am forced to carry a steel straw so I can drink my large squishy I will be that guy who uses his steel straw to shoot spitballs on the ceiling and at the back of random strangers heads.

....and did you know modern paper straws have plastic resin in the wood?
Well Dang Dave, I was good until you got me all stirred up with your bag comment. It's no secret I despise how California has banned "single use bags" so I won't talk about that. But you do bring up a new angle that ensures I remain angry about the bag ban. We tend to frequent two stores that are in cahoots with the devil...Walmart and the 99cent only store, both raise my blood pressure to unsafe levels. The 99 cent store has a message playing over the loud speaker while you shop asking you to NOT put stuff in your reusable shopping bags because the checkers will happily put your purchases in the bags you brought. Since I usual go in and pick up one or two things I usually don't need a bag but when my wife and I go to stock our shelves with massive amounts of cheap discount products we walk out with 2 or more HUGE Aldi bags filled with stuff we bought AND I BAGGED. They simply won't even try to bag an order that large despite the fact you could shove a house into each bag and still have room for a few plastic straws. Then you have walmart...O...M...G! no matter the size of the order the checkers put your items on top of that little round bag thingy and wait for you to take the bag you gave them BACK from them to start bagging your own items. THEN they scan and place one item at a time waiting for you to finish putting the last item in the bag. I don't think these workers can see whats happening. They have installed huge self checkout sections with wonderful self bagging set up. Once they have us all trained to bag our own stuff they will pull out the rest of the checkout lanes and fire half the workforce.

And they already must have done the firing part because there are about 30 registers at every EvilEmpire (Walmart) within 1 hour of my house (8 stores) and I will almost bet that you can not take all the cashiers from them all and open all the registers at a single store.
Since we are partially on the register/checking out subject. I actually hate those stupid self checkout things. I didn't go in there for a job, I went in to have someone who at least semi knows what they are doing ring out and bag my stuff. Most of the time the stupid things don't work anyhow and you have to wait for the one person watching over 10 self checkouts to come over sometime in the middle of helping the other 5 that aren't working either.

We have had 4 of the 6 big plants around me shut down in the last 6 years or so. People need that work and now they are laying off those jobs too. It doesn't cut my prices any, so where is the "saved money" going? Certainly not back to the customers that now have to work when they go shopping. Not to mention they probably loose more money in people not scanning things than they saved laying off the cashiers.
Way back here in the unfettered midwest, where we get our bags and straws for free. We still suffer the scourge of bagger lackitosis. I prefer my groceries in paper bags, so I have taken to jumping right in there and bagging, and sorting my groceries as they are being rung out. Sometimes they get their noses out of joint and ask me if I want plastic. I smile and say I’m fine with paper and pack away. Sometimes for heavy loads I Double bag! They really hate that!
Ok, I needed time to type this because it really gets in my crawl. Along the same theme of checkouts but at the Golden Arches in a nearby town. They had 1 of these little towers 10 feet in front of the registers where you can order off a touch screen when the line is long. No problem and a nice feature to help at busy times. 1 day I go in and there is someone using it and no one, I repeat NO ONE in line in fact the register person is helping the person at the thingy. She see's me standing at the counter and says I can help you over here. I say, no thanks, I've used it and I don't like using that since I'm paying cash and not using a card. She says, well you can use cash here to. I said, well where do you put the money. She says well after ordering you go to the counter and pay. I say, I'm already here so why don't you come take my order, or I can just leave cause I'm NOT using that. She complies although clearly not happy. She states they've been instructed to run everyone thru that. I tell her I understand and know it's not her fault, may I speak to the manager. When he comes out I let him know that although that is a nice feature and I understand it as an option BUT that's what it is in my eyes, "An Option" If he insists it HAS to be used I am done coming to their establishment. I also say that I'm not making a big deal but wanted to speak to him personally to hear it from a customer otherwise he wouldn't know why people are no longer frequenting their establishment. He said he would pass that on to the higher ups. It's 1 of a couple hundred a family owns of these arches that I'm aware of. 1 other time I was in there after the 1st incident and about 3 people huddles around the unit. I walk to counter and clerk say come on over here and I'll help you. I state I know how to use it and that you have to try and get me to use it. I don't blame you, but they could help me at the counter or I could leave. They take my order at the counter and while doing so a line formed behind me. The 3 people that were at the unit came over and said THANK you, we HATE that thing.

I too hate that they REQUIRE the worker to FORCE people to use something that once we are conditioned to use kills the job of the person that trained us to use it. I seldom stop at this place and on rare occasion I need to, I go thru the drive thru. At least until they have a touch screen there to order from and a box you open to retrieve your food from. You know, like a vending machine.

Just a PS, when you use their in store order screen it suggestive sells you to death at each point and takes twice as long to get your order placed compared to a live person. OK, climbing down from my soap box..........
Oh man that kind of set the juices flowing Dave!

I have a similar story...only it's with a credit union. As some of you know...about two years ago, the area I live in went through a catastrophic flood. Almost every business in the area was forced to renovate. A credit union that I had a truck loan through was one of them. This credit union made it hard to bay your loan online and I'm not big on sending checks in the mail. So I was dropping a check off once a month. No biggie. After they renovated, their branch that is in my area, they went from a regular bank operation to completely humanless. Whether you drove threw or went inside, you had to do business with a machine. What happens is that when you start using the machine, an actual person pops up on the screen from a remote location. They help you as best they can and take your money or spit it out. Inside there were six machines...none of them enclosed...and everybody can hear your business.
Oh man that kind of set the juices flowing Dave!

I have a similar story...only it's with a credit union. As some of you know...about two years ago, the area I live in went through a catastrophic flood. Almost every business in the area was forced to renovate. A credit union that I had a truck loan through was one of them. This credit union made it hard to bay your loan online and I'm not big on sending checks in the mail. So I was dropping a check off once a month. No biggie. After they renovated, their branch that is in my area, they went from a regular bank operation to completely humanless. Whether you drove threw or went inside, you had to do business with a machine. What happens is that when you start using the machine, an actual person pops up on the screen from a remote location. They help you as best they can and take your money or spit it out. Inside there were six machines...none of them enclosed...and everybody can hear your business.
My credit union has these at the drive thru's now................
Ok, I needed time to type this because it really gets in my crawl. Along the same theme of checkouts but at the Golden Arches in a nearby town. They had 1 of these little towers 10 feet in front of the registers where you can order off a touch screen when the line is long. No problem and a nice feature to help at busy times. 1 day I go in and there is someone using it and no one, I repeat NO ONE in line in fact the register person is helping the person at the thingy. She see's me standing at the counter and says I can help you over here. I say, no thanks, I've used it and I don't like using that since I'm paying cash and not using a card. She says, well you can use cash here to. I said, well where do you put the money. She says well after ordering you go to the counter and pay. I say, I'm already here so why don't you come take my order, or I can just leave cause I'm NOT using that. She complies although clearly not happy. She states they've been instructed to run everyone thru that. I tell her I understand and know it's not her fault, may I speak to the manager. When he comes out I let him know that although that is a nice feature and I understand it as an option BUT that's what it is in my eyes, "An Option" If he insists it HAS to be used I am done coming to their establishment. I also say that I'm not making a big deal but wanted to speak to him personally to hear it from a customer otherwise he wouldn't know why people are no longer frequenting their establishment. He said he would pass that on to the higher ups. It's 1 of a couple hundred a family owns of these arches that I'm aware of. 1 other time I was in there after the 1st incident and about 3 people huddles around the unit. I walk to counter and clerk say come on over here and I'll help you. I state I know how to use it and that you have to try and get me to use it. I don't blame you, but they could help me at the counter or I could leave. They take my order at the counter and while doing so a line formed behind me. The 3 people that were at the unit came over and said THANK you, we HATE that thing.

I too hate that they REQUIRE the worker to FORCE people to use something that once we are conditioned to use kills the job of the person that trained us to use it. I seldom stop at this place and on rare occasion I need to, I go thru the drive thru. At least until they have a touch screen there to order from and a box you open to retrieve your food from. You know, like a vending machine.

Just a PS, when you use their in store order screen it suggestive sells you to death at each point and takes twice as long to get your order placed compared to a live person. OK, climbing down from my soap box..........

My wife and I never ever go to any Golden Arch facilities anywhere. I can’t stand that place.
Oh man that kind of set the juices flowing Dave!

I have a similar story...only it's with a credit union. As some of you know...about two years ago, the area I live in went through a catastrophic flood. Almost every business in the area was forced to renovate. A credit union that I had a truck loan through was one of them. This credit union made it hard to bay your loan online and I'm not big on sending checks in the mail. So I was dropping a check off once a month. No biggie. After they renovated, their branch that is in my area, they went from a regular bank operation to completely humanless. Whether you drove threw or went inside, you had to do business with a machine. What happens is that when you start using the machine, an actual person pops up on the screen from a remote location. They help you as best they can and take your money or spit it out. Inside there were six machines...none of them enclosed...and everybody can hear your business.

This would really burn my buns!!