The Shaving Cadre

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SOTD February 2025

13 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 13

Phenomenal shave this morning. Super thick and slick lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Cyclotrode X" synth for three passes with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Pinaud "Clubman" aftershave lotion, talc and Dana "Canoe" EdT.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Clubman / Dana

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SOTD - 2/13/2025

Stirling Soap Company Ozark Mountain
Stirling / Zenith 30mm Boar
Henson Razor Medium

From the Stirling website:

A drive through the Ozark Mountains in fall is the best way to describe this scent. It is woodsy, spicy, and absolutely the closest fragrance we have found to replicating the aroma of the Ozarks.

Friday Shave
RAZOR: Shield Predator Titanium Gem Razor
BLADE: Personna Coated Gem
BRUSH: Zingari Man 26mm SHD Manchurian Badger
LATHER: Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌No.‌ ‌63‌ ‌shave‌ ‌soap‌
POST: Ethos Mélange d’agrumes Skin Food Splash

Friday SOTD

Razor: Shield Cerakote Titanium Evolution
Blade: Feather Artist Club (5)
Brush: Paladin PK-47 26mm Blonde Badger
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Taconic Bay Rum
Shave Soap: Le Père Lucien Bay Rum
Balm: Viking Soaps Bay Rum
Aftershave: Le Père Lucien Bay Rum
14 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 14

Great shave this morning. Fantastic lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Peregrino" synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by vintage Pierre Cardin Pour Monsieur aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and vintage Pierre Cardin Pour Monsieur EdC.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Pierre Cardin / Clubman

Friday 2/14
FIXED/FRUGAL February Day 14
16th Annual One Blade in February Challenge

Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Called a Valentine's Day Audible
Changed out the Soap & Brush for one day
Happy Valentine's Day to All
As close to BBS as I can get with an Open Blade

Razor: WECK Sextoblade Hair Shaper
Blade: FROMM Hair Shaper Blade (3X)
Lather: Denton Majik FLORES de AMOR Soap
Brush: YAQI 26mm Rainbow Faux Horse Synthetic
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix

Post Shave: PAA Good Vibrations Aftershave

SOTD: 02/14/2025
Razor: Atelier Durdan Vestige
Blade: AccuTech Pro, 12th use
Brush: Wald Glacial Meltwater A1 Bulb
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Copper “Obsidian” Bowl
Preshave: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Tube 2.0 Soap
Soap: Wet Shaving Products Connecticut Yankee Puck
Aftershave: Old Spice (P&G Canada) Classic Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Pelli Sensibili Balm
Additional Care: Osma Alum
Additional Care: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Galactic Witch Hazel

- No accommodations were made in the shave for Valentine’s Day. The results of this decision are yet to be seen.

Saturday SOTD

Razor: Occam's Razor Enhanced Nano
Blade: Feather Super Pro 6)
Brush: Shavemac D01 24mm Flattop
Bowl: Buffalo Horn 5”
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Taconic Bay Rum
Shave Soap: Freyja"s Magic Thor's Hammer Bay Rum
Balm: Freyja"s Magic Thor's Hammer Bay Rum
Aftershave: Freyja"s Magic Thor's Hammer Bay Rum