The Shaving Cadre

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SOTD February 2025

Tuesday SOTD

Razor: Colonial Razors The General Brass
Blade: Feather Artist Club (2)
Brush: Semogue Half Hive Premium Boar 27mm
Bowl: Georgetown 4.5” Opal-Iron-Rim
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Stirling's Bay Rum
Shave Cream: Al’s Calypso (Bay Rum) Mentholated
Balm: Stirling's Bay Rum Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Al’s Calypso (Bay Rum)
SOTD: 02/11/2025
Razor: Atelier Durdan Vestige
Blade: AccuTech Pro, 9th use
Brush: Wald Glacial Meltwater A1 Bulb
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Copper “Obsidian” Bowl
Preshave: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Tube 2.0 Soap
Soap: Wet Shaving Products Connecticut Yankee Puck
Aftershave: Old Spice (P&G Canada) Classic Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Pelli Sensibili Balm
Additional Care: Osma Alum
Additional Care: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Galactic Witch Hazel
11 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 10

Great shave this morning. Great lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Solar Flare" synth for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by BushKlawz "Pacific Prince" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Yardley "Gentleman" talc and Coty "Aspen" EdC.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / BushKlawz / Yardley / Coty

Tuesday 2/11 Shave
FIXED/FRUGAL February Day 11
16th Annual One Blade in February Challenge

Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Sixteenth & FINAL Use of the Fromm Blade
Still a Decent Shave But Lacks Efficiency
Since This is FIXED FEB - replace with same blade
Overall a Comfortable DFS Shave

Razor: WECK Sextoblade Hair Shaper
Blade: FROMM Hair Shaper Blade (16X)
Lather: Ginger's Garden VIZIER Soap
Brush: Rad Dinosaur Creations RAPTOR Synthetic
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix

Post Shave: PAA Good Vibrations Aftershave


Wednesday SOTD

Razor: ATT X1 SE/Calypso Slant
Blade: Feather Super Pro (3)
Brush: Zenith 506U Manchurian 26mm
Bowl: Olivewood 5"
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Taconic Bay Rum
Shave Cream: Taconic Bay Rum
Balm: Stirling's Bay Rum Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Taconic Bay Rum
Wednesday 2/12 Shave
FIXED/FRUGAL February Day 12
16th Annual One Blade in February Challenge

Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

New FROMM Blade Today
Of course it was a BANGER Shave
One Small Chin Weeper - my technique of course
Almost a BBS Shave today

Razor: WECK Sextoblade Hair Shaper
Blade: FROMM Hair Shaper Blade (1X)
Lather: Ginger's Garden VIZIER Soap
Brush: Rad Dinosaur Creations RAPTOR Synthetic
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix

Post Shave: PAA Good Vibrations Aftershave

12 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 12

Great shave this morning. Incredible lather built with the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements "Peregrino" synth for three passes with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by Mennen "Skin Bracer" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and vintage Avon "Deep Woods" EdP.

Hope you have a great day. :)

Williams / Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Clubman / Avon


Thursday SOTD

Razor: RazoRock Hawk V3/ATT Kronos
Blade: Feather Super Pro (4)
Brush: Rubberset 49-5 W 28mm Zenith Boar
Bowl: The Distinctive Goat Style 3 5" Maple\Walnut
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Stirling's Bay Rum
Shave Soap: Wm. Neumann Bay Rum
Balm: Stirling's Bay Rum Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Ogallala Bay Rum
Thursday 2/13 Shave
FIXED/FRUGAL February Day 13
16th Annual One Blade in February Challenge

Same Razor/Blade/Brush/Soap All Month

Second Use on the new FROMM Blade
What a HUGE Difference in Efficiency
We shall see if we can stretch this blade as far as the last
Overall a Superb DFS+ Shave

Razor: WECK Sextoblade Hair Shaper
Blade: FROMM Hair Shaper Blade (2X)
Lather: Ginger's Garden VIZIER Soap
Brush: Rad Dinosaur Creations RAPTOR Synthetic
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen Splash Mix

Post Shave: PAA Good Vibrations Aftershave
