The Shaving Cadre

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SOTD 30 November - 6 December 2020

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Great looking shave regardless! I hadn’t seen this Nivea splash before. I really enjoy their balm and the dual action product but this splash is new to me. Take care.
It's very nice. Great face feel and scent. My wife likes it (the scent.. always a plus). Found it at the local Publix supermarket. If you can find some, definitely snag a bottle.
Second verse same as the first. BBS today.

Razor: Timeless Bronze SB
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (6)
Brush: Yaqi 26mm DM Brush of DOOOOM
Soap: CBL Premium Ghost Lime
Splash: Barbasol Brisk
Balm: DC Ice Cold
Cologne: Pinaud Lime Sec


Saturday AM 2020-12-05
National Dodecahedron Day

Rooney Emillion 2 Porcelain-Jade Finest (24/55)
Art of Shaving Rose Absolute shaving cream (vintage)
Paradigm 17-4
Schick Plus Platinum (7)
Ginger's Garden Rose Petals aftershave
Sun 6th SOTD
Soap RazoRock Mudder Focker
Brush Yaqi 24mm Heavy Metal Tuxedo
Razor Gillette Super Adjustable U-1
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum 4th
Post & Aftershaves
Ice Water + Thayers
Hyaluronic + Axe Signature Denim
Marvelous lather from the soap. Creamily thick and slick with a unique nice scent.
Shave with razor paired with the blade with added shim increased the efficiency a little more. Very smooth and comfortable at setting 9 for 3 passes for a mostly bbs to dfs result and a minor creeper. The post-shave feel for the soap is excellent!
Rating 9.6/10
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