The Shaving Cadre

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So...what song played on your wedding night?

Not to get back to the point of the thread or anything, but, we didn't do any dancing at the reception. W had opted for the short version with cake(which was made by my cousin for OK and amazing by all accounts but we never actually got to taste it!) and drinks and some of the usual speeches and whatnot. We had a stupidly early flight the next morning to the honeymoon.

Anyway, there are 2 songs that would fit the category of "our song"
First is this one which is the main one we claim.

and then this one which i did Karaoke just before popping the question.
Hey now this thread has ventured into something else! Come on now...concentrate!
I have to fess up: my wife is much nicer than I let on.

I told her about my crack about the song played at our wedding, and she cracked up.

I married my best friend. She has kept me alive when she probably should have cut her losses and moved back home!

We had a Baptist Church reception in the Gymnasium, so no music...

It was 106 degrees that day!

Praise God I still make her laugh!

When we got married we both agreed that divorce was NOT an option, but murder was still on the table!

When she has finally had enough, there ain't a jury around that would convict her! So now you guys know why I'm always so well behaved on here!
The Dinah Washington version fo this song performed LIVE, or course!
UNFORGETTABLE,... That's what you are!

Plus, the "Motown" band I was playing in at the time performed at our reception! Nothing like LIVE music!!!
...and, YES, I alterntated between dancing with my BEAUTIFUL bride and playing my horn,... sometimes a little of BOTH!

The Dinah Washington version fo this song performed LIVE, or course!
UNFORGETTABLE,... That's what you are!

Plus, the "Motown" band I was playing in at the time performed at our reception! Nothing like LIVE music!!!
...and, YES, I alterntated between dancing with my BEAUTIFUL bride and playing my horn,... sometimes a little of BOTH!

How’d you get away with “moonlighting” at your own wedding? :sneaky:
Keep them coming in Brothers and Sisters! You don’t have to be “married” or have had a wedding! Let’s hear about the significant song you have with your significant other! Mi Guapo Hermano @bentheduck ??!! Miss V owns your soul and your “huevos”...there has to be a song no?
Keep them coming in Brothers and Sisters! You don’t have to be “married” or have had a wedding! Let’s hear about the significant song you have with your significant other! Mi Guapo Hermano @bentheduck ??!! Miss V owns your soul and your “huevos”...there has to be a song no?
Venessita has a song, but I don't think I do. Probably baby got back or something cheesy. :ROFLMAO: