The Shaving Cadre

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Shave Golf....Come Play

Good ideas Kyle. I do think they were tagged by Don but maybe something in a PM would be better.

Your shaving will be ultra awesome TJ now that you don't have to shave everyday. I did undercover security for a long while and it was really nice to dress like a thug for work. I mean old ladies would clutch their purses around me. I even had some big gold medallion necklace I used to wear. This kid bugged me for it so I sold it to him for $20 and no he's a US he has a real gold necklace now :LOL:
just a par today. I think i need to give the open blades a rest while i finish off the soap i'm using right now. It just doesn't have the slickness and my face is a bit angry with me after the Kamisori shave today.
I like the idea of having it sanctioned by the owners of TSC. It's probably just a busy time with everyone slamming in vacations before school starts up. I know with my cabin move I'm not really on at night much.

What are you proposing?
Just to do an update on this thread, I spoke with an owner here and I'll be getting together some formal rules and floating them by the owner for his thoughts and input. With any luck I should be able to get together a fall-ish timed tournament. The idea is to have there be some PIF type prizes donated to the winner and maybe even 2nd & 3rd place. I'm thinking just an annual tournament so the interest is there. We'll keep you posted!
sounds good. I'm at a total of -4 this week so far. gotta be prepared for the big event!
I've not been scoring as well for some reason and am in the par / -1 area. I think I've been skimping my clean-ups in exchange for less chance of irritation. I've also just been using the DE mostly. When I use the SR it's a guaranteed BBS or better.