I have no issues with going 2k to 5k on the Shapton pro stones. I actually have the Kuromaku stones, but the only difference is the language and the price.
To me they are extremely efficient. I spend about half the time on those stones as I did on my Naniwa superstones. And they are efficient enough that I use the 2k as my bevel setter.
I was told by my mentor when I got them that the 1500 was actually a bit coarse and that was why he recommended the 2k over it for the bevel setter though, so it may take you a little longer in that step.
What did you finish on? Did you stop at the 8k? Or do you have a finisher? If you stopped at 8k that may be your issue. I think an 8k finish is still harsh. Doesn't have that buttery smooth feel I get from my coti, or that laser sharp feel from my j-nats.