The Shaving Cadre

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Shadow Clone Flat Spider’s grand adventure

I paid for the fastest internet on the ship and it ain’t worth squat! Losing pics, all kinds of bizarre hoo ha! Sorry for my language. Shipboard IT is essentially a super user that knows how to set-up but not diagnose. I’ll just have to upload as I can. It’s only going to get worse guys. Again I apologize for this older ship.
I paid for the fastest internet on the ship and it ain’t worth squat! Losing pics, all kinds of bizarre hoo ha! Sorry for my language. Shipboard IT is essentially a super user that knows how to set-up but not diagnose. I’ll just have to upload as I can. It’s only going to get worse guys. Again I apologize for this older ship.
That stinks. You should really stress eat. It really helps (us win the weight gain thread). I heard chocolate cheese cake (the whole cake not just a slice) will help calm things over.
Sorry Rich. Ship WiFi tends to be around dial up speeds.
We have to be back on the ship by 4. Then off to Bar Harbor and we get to board a life boat to get to shore