The Shaving Cadre

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Shadow Clone Flat Spider’s grand adventure

Honored to be tagging along there Brother!
You didn’t make him ride in the trunk did you?
Rich left his governor at home. Full speed ahead Rich!
This morning I heard the pilots Ten Commandments:
1. Thou shalt abstain from the intersection takeoff for, verily, the runway behind thee, as the altitude above thee, cometh not to thine aid when thou needest them.

2. Thou shalt not linger on active runways lest thou become like unto ground sirloin.

3. Ignorest thou not thy checklists for many are the switches, handles, gauges and other demons awaiting to take cruel vengeance upon thee.

4. Thou shalt cast thine eyes to thy right and also to thy left as thou passeth through the air lest thy fellow pilots bring flowers to thy widow and comfort her in other ways.

5. Buzzeth not, for this shall surely incur the wrath of thy neighbors and the fury of the FAA shall be called down upon thy head.

6. Thou shalt be ever mindful of thy fuel lest there be nothing in thy tank to sustain thee upon the air and thy days be made short.

7. Trust not thine eyes to lead thee through the cloud lest the Archangel Gabriel await thee therein.

8. Thou shalt not trespass into the thunderstorm lest the tempest rend the wings from thy chariot and cast thee naked into the air.

9. Put not thy trust in weather prophets, for when the truth is not in, then they shall not accompany thee among thy ancestors.

10. Often shalt thou confirm thine airspeed and undercarriage on final lest the earth rise up and smite thee.
What’s that green stuff all over your plate?
I failed to bring Spider to dinner last night. Here was the lineup. I got two appetizers. A New England style crab cake, a a cup of wild mushroom soup, and a lovely prime rib. And finished up with a caramel hazelnut thing that the picture didn’t appear on my camera roll. It’s 0730 ship time I’ll shower and see about getting you guys a shipboard Shave. The gym is r decks up and at the other end of the ship, so my first will be in the wee tiny head (nautical term for potty) in our berth. I paid extra for “streaming WiFi access, but am getting nowhere near the connection to do that, so having trouble getting pictures to load. I’ll pitch a hissy at the desk today.8058AF13-630B-44F7-BD1C-AD2687F2AD69.jpegC2289643-2592-4C15-A9C0-1B623A538DE3.jpeg


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  • B98F3641-7F25-4BD4-8BF2-AA96BFFBCE50.jpeg
    160.6 KB · Views: 13 me some Prime Rib! Give them hell at the desk Rich. And look like you and the Boss are having some fun!
Poor Spider was kinda wandering about today a day at sea spent exploring the ship. Tonight was a formal dinner night I took food pics with the phone. We shall see if they catch up with the iPad.

Of the dishes that made it through my Duck l’orange was quite good. Spider enjoyed carrot cake with vanilla ice cream overall, the food on board is quite delicious. We’ve had the same waiter the past two evenings and he seems to know just what to recommend from the menu.57BC8D46-B326-48FD-A375-E78CDD8D91B8.jpeg

Our first towel animal tonight. A rabbit. I’m resting my foot for Boston tomorrow. I think that going to be the most challenging day physically.
Flat Spider didn’t get to go to formal night?! I protest this injustice!