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Scotch experts


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
Ok, so there isn’t much hard liquor I like. Sitting here I realized I had Johnny Walker Black at a wedding and liked it enough that...well it was really good. So maybe I need to pursue this. I could just buy a bottle of black, but that’s not the cadre way. Any other whiskey I’ve tried I think I haven’t enjoyed. So I’m looking for you experts to tell me what it is about JW Black that I should be looking for to find other I like.

I’ve read it’s a blend of aged scotches. But other than that I don’t know what’s distinctive about it.
I'm not a scotch expert and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. That said, I've never been impressed by the premium cost of Johnny. I don't buy it as I think that you're simply paying for what's on the label.

Is it good scotch? Yes.
Is it worth the bucks? YMMV but to me, no.

JW is a good Beginner Scotch before your palate adapts to more single malts IF you have not tried JW Red, then maybe Blue or Green but you are getting into some price.

Then move to maybe a Glenfiddich 12, as it is not too peaty, also try Haig, Glen Grant 10. Famous Grouse is another good blended. Also it is much like wine, swirl it in the glass to release bouquet, take a sip take it to the back of the tongue let it sit and you will pick up the notes. If it too strong at 1st add a drop of water let bloom a bit and move on

Single Malt is where the flavors are at. Blends are good though. A good beginner single malt is the Glenlivet. They have a few options you can try at varying price points.
Single Malt is where the flavors are at. Blends are good though. A good beginner single malt is the Glenlivet. They have a few options you can try at varying price points.
That’s the thing. I’m wondering if it being a blend is what I liked. Just don’t know the differences yet.
That’s the thing. I’m wondering if it being a blend is what I liked. Just don’t know the differences yet.

I'll try to help. A good blend is like a nice Cabernet from anywhere but Napa. A single malt is like a Cabernet from Napa.
just remember Scotch is a Gentle uphill Training too fast and you will hate Scotch forever, so blends are good and slowly increase to non-peaty single Malts like Glenfidditch 12 Glenlivet 10 then on to a Laphroig, then Arberg then Belvenie and after that the sky is the limit, much like wine. I have a bottle of this I have yet to crack a Glenrothes 1978 that my father bought the year he passed away and it has followed me all over, but not had the nerve to crack it yet. Some day probably while sitting by his grave..
Well now let’s like JW Black which is a 12 year old blend with some Islay in the blend. So you like a little peat and smoke which would make sense since you favour a bolder wine. There is a bunch of stuff in JW black including highland and speyside expressions also. But if you like it I would recommend grabbing a bottle and trying it out again. I have had all the JW but my fav is Green yes I know i don’t turn up nose to Blue but Green is a great pour everyday. Ardbeg is Islay to the max...peaty, briny and bold...not all expressions but most. Talisker is the Isle of Skye version and also bold and smoky. Here are so many to try...but go with what you know because if you think this hobby is a rabbit you ain’t seen nothing yet!
Well now let’s like JW Black which is a 12 year old blend with some Islay in the blend. So you like a little peat and smoke which would make sense since you favour a bolder wine. There is a bunch of stuff in JW black including highland and speyside expressions also. But if you like it I would recommend grabbing a bottle and trying it out again. I have had all the JW but my fav is Green yes I know i don’t turn up nose to Blue but Green is a great pour everyday. Ardbeg is Islay to the max...peaty, briny and bold...not all expressions but most. Talisker is the Isle of Skye version and also bold and smoky. Here are so many to try...but go with what you know because if you think this hobby is a rabbit you ain’t seen nothing yet!
You sir are one I would share the Glenrothes with
I have had Scotch maybe 3 or 4 times. first couple were JW Blue that a friend got and shared, the third was during wedding day prep for a friend. He, his groomsmen, and somehow me shared a bottle of Glenfiddich 12(i think my wife was part of the wedding party so i was just kinda around way before the wedding so they were kind enough to share 😁 ) the last was a night of whiskey tasting where each person brought a different bottle. i Don't remember what the scotch was that night but it was a total punch in the face as we tried in 4th in line of 5 and the peat was STRONG! I have enjoyed each experience and need to explore these more as well.
You sir are one I would share the Glenrothes with
That would be an honour. You know how good that bottle is don’t you? 1978 is the vintage and bottled in 1999. You bring the Scotch I’ll bring the El Presidentes....;)
That would be an honour. You know how good that bottle is don’t you? 1978 is the vintage and bottled in 1999. You bring the Scotch I’ll bring the El Presidentes....;)
Ed, my bad typing it should have been Glenrothes purchased in 1978 he year he died the vintage is actually 1953,
Dave this is a really big discussion. We can break it down into the regions and put together some tasting notes for you ok? It’s midnight here Brochacho so I’ll dream of Scotch and hit you up in the morning...
Ed, my bad typing it should have been Glenrothes purchased in 1978 he year he died the vintage is actually 1953,
Good Lord!!! I would have to steal the whole Cohiba factory from Cuba to match that! Now I WILL be dreaming of Scotch!
@Somnos that’s what I was looking for and some good tips. Makes sense to go to the basics of what I liked to start with and then kind which components of that I like.

I told my wife the one good difference between a $200 bottle of wine and one of scotch is the scotch wouldn’t be gone in one meal. At least for me.