The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


Funny you post this thread now! I have been wanting to increase my cardio lately. I was doing some spin classes but they just got inconvenient. So I was going to start running again. A million years ago I was in the Marine Corps so running is no stranger to me. So I downloaded one of those couch to 5k apps on the phone and on Tuesday ran (well...what I call running anyway) almost 2 miles. Not really anything to brag about. Anyway, here is where my problem lies. My calves have always been tight after my ankle surgery back in 2008. So I stretch a lot. But after that calf muscles are like guitar strings! Even today...they are super tight. Tight to the point that I am walking with a limp. Stretching and heat seem to work a little...but man they are bad. Anyway...I'll give a go again Next week.
I recommend this book to everyone who wants to run, but finds it uncomfortable: Chi Running. It changed my running mechanics and turned running from a painful chore (shin splints) into something I need and enjoy (not unlike wet shaving, in that regard).
As a big guy with wide shoulders, heavy bone structure, etc...running always came hard for me. I was on a great PT program a few years ago. I was always chasing that 9 minute mile and one day I did it with an 9:49. What I loved most about running was hitting the quit door. Your body wants to preserve energy and it wants you to stop running as fatigue builds. At that point you push the quit out and break through the quit's the runner's high at that point and you feel invincible. I loved that and I loved facing that quit point everyday. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we ask of it and most battles are just in our minds.

Unfortunately, my hip started hurting worse and worse. Most of you know the rest of the story, I had my hip replaced in March so running is out. Can I run? Yep, I could, but I risk a lot in doing so including prematurely wearing out my new hip. I just had a dream this week that I was running and the hip was hurting a little and then it just got better and I just kept running. That felt great in my dream. Mind you, I'm not a hobby runner. 5K's and the like never appealed to me, it was just a means to be in better shape and push myself to my limits. There have been times in my life were running was required / forced and I hated it. I was always middle of the pack speed wise but much faster than anyone expected from a big wide dude :LOL:

As a big guy with wide shoulders, heavy bone structure, etc...running always came hard for me
I'm with you buddy! I'm built more like a pack mule than a gazelle. In Marines I always managed a respectable time in my there mile runs (21 minutes). But I was always one of the slow ones in my unit. Of course that was when I was 20. I can't get anywhere close to that now...not that I really want to.
I'm with you buddy! I'm built more like a pack mule than a gazelle. In Marines I always managed a respectable time in my there mile runs (21 minutes). But I was always one of the slow ones in my unit. Of course that was when I was 20. I can't get anywhere close to that now...not that I really want to.

And then you ran without boots and thought you'd died and gone to heaven! Now imagine those poor SEALs in BUD/S that have run in cold ocean soaked clothes, water-logged boots, and sand chaffing everywhere while trying to stay off the soft sand. They run 3 miles (1.5 miles to and from chow) just to eat.
Dude...It was two miles in about thirty minutes. How much easing into it can I get?

Yea @Dave in KY the toddler on the big wheel trike had slow down for him.

But hey in all seriousness Don I had ankle surgery too, I got 3 screws in one of them, and a plate in the other. So I know sore calves. FOAM ROLL! Seriously get ya one. Some guys make fun of me in the locker room before a game... But guess what? Most of the guys who try it end up buying one too! The roller sticks are good too but not as good as a foam roller
Yea @Dave in KY the toddler on the big wheel trike had slow down for him.

But hey in all seriousness Don I had ankle surgery too, I got 3 screws in one of them, and a plate in the other. So I know sore calves. FOAM ROLL! Seriously get ya one. Some guys make fun of me in the locker room before a game... But guess what? Most of the guys who try it end up buying one too! The roller sticks are good too but not as good as a foam roller
Thanks Chad! I have been meaning to get one for a while now. Just haven't. Guess I need to do it sooner than later.
Tonight’s run:

3.4 miles @ 8:07/mile
Much better this time around. Sometimes it just takes a run or two to get back on pace.
I did about 4 miles with the dog this morning. Temps were just above freezing, making for a cool, comfortable trip around the neighborhood. I have some discomfort between my ribs on my left side taking deep breaths while my torso is twisted, but as long as I maintained good running posture (thank you Chi Running), I didn't feel anything except up the steeps towards the end of my run. I'll have to stretch this out in the pool a bit tomorrow. No arm pain, chest pain, etc. so I assume the bridge and tunnel work is doing its thing.

Right side of the daisies. Good start.
I did about 4 miles with the dog this morning. Temps were just above freezing, making for a cool, comfortable trip around the neighborhood. I have some discomfort between my ribs on my left side taking deep breaths while my torso is twisted, but as long as I maintained good running posture (thank you Chi Running), I didn't feel anything except up the steeps towards the end of my run. I'll have to stretch this out in the pool a bit tomorrow. No arm pain, chest pain, etc. so I assume the bridge and tunnel work is doing its thing.

Right side of the daisies. Good start.
Good stuff! Bet having the dog alongside helps.
Good stuff! Bet having the dog alongside helps.
Thanks. I've run with my dogs for years. They love it and it does keep me motivated.

A bit off-topic, but unfortunately the above-mentioned discomfort in my ribs impacted my swim this morning. With my left arm extended, and body twisted to breath on my right side, I was unable to comfortably take deep breaths. I tried switching from crawl to breast stroke, but wasn't any more comfortable. Rather than swim with poor form, which is what this pain was causing, I bailed.
Thanks. I've run with my dogs for years. They love it and it does keep me motivated.

A bit off-topic, but unfortunately the above-mentioned discomfort in my ribs impacted my swim this morning. With my left arm extended, and body twisted to breath on my right side, I was unable to comfortably take deep breaths. I tried switching from crawl to breast stroke, but wasn't any more comfortable. Rather than swim with poor form, which is what this pain was causing, I bailed.
Pulled something?
I don't run often. I did 2 5ks this month though. It is more of a family thing for me than a get out and run. We do intervals. The kids can only do 30/30 intervals, so we did a 12 minute pace.
My pulled muscle has been resolved, and both running and swimming are comfortable again. This morning I took the dog on our usual ~4 mile pre-dawn run. They put some solar farms in around the neighborhood last year and have been upgrading the infrastructure to accommodate the farms, including repaving some of the farm roads I run. This has made the runs a whole lot easier and more enjoyable. I hate potholes!
Running does my knees in, but I walk virtually everywhere.

It's ever bragging here to let folks know about your physical accompaniments, I love to see stuff like this, even if running isn't my bag, I admire anyone who's getting out there and doing it.
Out with the plows this morning. The dog gets a little freaked as they rumble closer. Me too. Nice run, at about my lower temp. limit. I used to run down in to the low single digits, but I don't enjoy that kind of cold any more. I keep it above 20ºF these days.
Some snow fall on the run this morning. Koda didn't like it at all. I thought it was pretty, but now I'm chilled. Long, hot shower, then a shave.
I was trying to get into the running groove this week but tweaked my knee this past weekend. I am giving it the week to rest. I am determined to make this work at some point!