The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Wow Tim I had no idea! Ouch 🤕..... My father has bouts of skin cancer on his face every 6 months or so, he’s getting to be more scar than face.... I’m praying for your quick recovery!
Please be careful with those straights!
Wow Tim I had no idea! Ouch 🤕..... My father has bouts of skin cancer on his face every 6 months or so, he’s getting to be more scar than face.... I’m praying for your quick recovery!
Please be careful with those straights!
Thanks Matt!
Holy poo! Did they pull that back together so there's no need to graft stuff?

I bet you needed that like a hole in the head. :p I couldn't resist, sue me.

Man I hope they got all of it, go eat, drink, feel better! (y)
Holy poo! Did they pull that back together so there's no need to graft stuff?

I bet you needed that like a hole in the head. :p I couldn't resist, sue me.

Man I hope they got all of it, go eat, drink, feel better! (y)

Yes, they pulled it back together with stitches and staples. And yes, thankfully they got it all out.
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Shave Count (DE: 465 SE: 9 SR: 634)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Vanilla
Scuttle: none
Splash and go

Razor: Shumate’s Barber SR
Blade: none
Brush: Graydog Boar
Soap: MWF

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Ethos Lavender

The Process-
Yup mark that one on your calendar folks, I didn’t shave yesterday. I am a dairy shaver, so you won’t see that very often.

My stomach still was kinda queasy and I feel like I have been beat up. I was a bit nervous with this shave because my hands were pretty shaky. Probably because I hadn’t eaten since Wednesday. More on that in a minute. I proceeded with my shave and decided when I got the first cut, I was switching to a DE. I didn’t cut myself and I ended up BBS for the win! I used a lightly scented soap and AS because of my stomach and it was the right call. Life is good!

So here’s the backstory. I had a day surgery on Wednesday to remove a skin cancer. They cut it out, then take it to the lab and check to make sure they got it all. If not, they repeat the process until they get it all. They had to go back in a second time, but thankfully managed to get it all. They gave me a script of Tramadol, as needed. And I did need it. Yesterday I got up for work, but couldn’t do it. My boss let me take the day off. As I mentioned the last time I had eaten was Wednesday. After getting excused from work yesterday, I spent the next 24 hours sleeping. Waking up to puke, taking the script and going back to bed. I also found that the medication gives me a very intense headache. Well that gets us to this morning. I am shaky and stomach doesn’t feel right, but I will live. I can also tell that I am dehydrated, but clean shaved.

For the weirdos that like to see open wounds, it’s in the spoiler. This was after the first removal. They went back a second time and cut out more. The black stuff you see is cauterized blood vessels. It now has internal stitches and 20 external staples. It’s gross, don’t look.

Glad you are shaving and I hope you recover quickly my friend!

Shave Count (DE: 465 SE: 9 SR: 635)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller Plain Vanilla
Scuttle: none
Splash and go

Razor: Shumate’s Barber SR
Blade: none
Brush: Yaqi Badger
Soap: HeV Duc De Santal

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: HeV Duc De Santal

The Process-
On deck today is a new set that I just received. The scent is nice off the puck, so I was interested in how it opened up when lathered. You will have to check out the scent notes from the vendor because my nose is of no use. Loaded with a 20 second load time and got to work. The soap whipped up a really nice lather and I am digging the scent.

10 laps on cotton and 40 on leather and I was ready to go. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. The lather has a lighter feel to it and it is slick. I had three enjoyable passes and I walked away DFS for the win! I did miss just a smidge on the chin, but I’ll take it. I have also found that certain head movements pull the skin in different directions. I had never noticed until I had a large cut on my head ... ouch.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. I followed that with a splash of the aftershave and everything was right as rain! The scent of this set is nice and a bit muted. I would like it just a touch stronger, but again it’s nice. Life is good.

So ... my head still hurts. Using ice packs and Advil to help. No exercise, heavy lifting or bending over for two weeks according to the Doc. Got to do a bandage change last night and for my twisted friends, I took a pic.

Twisted and warped friend here ......... Geez, Louise! That almost looks like a zipper!

As for "my head still hurts" ...... duh!

I think that you being able to post and talk about it without moaning and groaning in your text speaks volumes about your tolerance levels. I'd be lying in the bed asking my wife for soup and tea.
Nice shave Tim! I never really thought that stretching my skin would also stretch the skin on too of my head. Though I guess if you pull on something, it’s going to give somewhere, makes sense. Lol

twisted friend here, keep healing!
Nice shave Tim! I never really thought that stretching my skin would also stretch the skin on too of my head. Though I guess if you pull on something, it’s going to give somewhere, makes sense. Lol

twisted friend here, keep healing!
It’s more than that really. Raise your eye brows, turn your head different ways, lifting out of bed, etc. I would never have thought about it before.