Shave Count (DE: 422 SE: 9 SR: 509)
Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go
Razor: Reynolds SR
Blade: none
Brush: APShaveCo Badger
Soap: Krokos
Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Avon Everest
Frag: none
Didn't log yesterday's shave ... my bad. It was a very nice shave, just overlooked the log entry. Hit the Krokos ... just because and wrapped it up with the Avon Everest. I'm diggin that scent and I think it's in my top 5 Avon scents.
Shave Count (DE: 422 SE: 9 SR: 510)
Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go
Razor: Reynolds SR
Blade: none
Brush: SV/TSC LE Badger
Soap: Stirling Gentleman
Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Stirling Gentleman
Frag: none
The Process-
It was a hard fought work week, but let's wrap it up as a gentleman ... a Stirling Gentleman. Kept the Reynolds on deck ... reasons. But did switch out the rest of the kit. The SV brush got the nod ... well yeah. And Stirling Gentleman rounds out the kit for today. Many of you know that I am a Stirling fan and I blame
@bentheduck for this purchase. Thanks Ben! All the qualities of Stirling and man I dig the scent. Loaded heavy this morning with a wet brush and a 30 second load time. I whipped up some lathery goodness right there.
50 laps on leather and it was go time. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no issues to report. That was a very nice shave indeed! The edges on these last three razors has been a vast improvement and I am once again BBS for the win! Really enjoyed the Stirling, with the scent lasting the entire shave. The gentle scritch of this new badger was also nice and everything just came together. I also had lather left over for a post shave lather while I cleaned my shave gear.
Wrapped everything up with a splash of water and a pat dry. Followed that with a healthy splash ... ok really it was a glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Yes ... yes it was. Man that was a great shave to finish out the week. I am super stoked to wind this one down and start the weekend. Life is good!
Home Front-
As I mentioned, taking these three razors back to the stones made all the difference in the world and helped to restore my honing mojo. I do have a couple of razors sent out to get different edges. Can't wait to get them back and try them. I may be sending out a third razor for an Ark edge too. I think I have one more razor to clean up and hone. I will try and get to that this weekend. A few weeks ago, I scored a small soft/hard Ark combo on the bay, so I may try a soft/hard/SB Ark progression. AFAIK, we don't have any hard plans for the weekend, so we shall see what the days bring.