The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Shave Count (DE: 415 SE: 9 SR: 503)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Straight Razor Design
Splash and go

Razor: Waterville SR
Blade: none
Brush: DSC Badger
Soap: Fine Santal Absolut

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Fine Santal Absolut
Frag: none

The Process-
Oh yeah! Life is good!

Home Front-
Smoking a brisket tomorrow.
5D8665B4-A10F-47F4-8D0F-05ABE47027B3.jpegShave Count (DE: 416 SE: 9 SR: 503)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Wizamet
Brush: GF Trumper Badger
Soap: LNHC Barber Shoppe

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: LNHC Barber Shoppe
Frag: none

The Process-
Late morning shave and mixing up the kit. I haven’t used this Barber Shoppe in a while, so it was on deck. The Tech got the nod because it’s just a great razor and I was in a bit of a hurry. And I wanted to try the GFT brush again. I think the brush may be a 26mm because it is bigger than my DSC. It is softer and I think less dense than the DSC also. It does splay and will cover my whole cheek in one pass, so it’s more of a painting break. But it will scrub to build up lather. A 30 second load time and I was ready to rock.

I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Had a great shave and I am BBS for the win! Oh yeah! Had a ton of lather for a post shave while I cleaned my shave gear too. This brush will flat hold some lather.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a double squirt of the ASB and everything was right as rain! It’s going to be a great day. Life is good!

Home Front-
The smoker is up and running low and slow. Brisket is on and I have some more firewood to cut down for the firebox. Today I’m cooking with an Oak and Hickory mix. Y’all have a great day!

I get the sense that 26mm is the new craze that 24mm once was. I don't think I have any 24mm brushes anymore, now that I think about it.
Shave Count (DE: 416 SE: 9 SR: 504)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Waterville SR
Blade: none
Brush: Graydog Boar
Soap: SV Opuntia

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: SV Opuntia
Frag: none

The Process-
Great late morning shave today. It’s my eldest granddaughters birthday so SV got the nod. She loves the scent of that set. And that’s why I smoked the brisket also. Turned out to be a great day. Life is good!
434078FF-C05B-4462-B971-C883347701B5.jpegShave Count (DE: 417 SE: 9 SR: 504)

Pre Shave-
Strop: none
Splash and go

Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: whatever I used last one
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familgia
Soap: MWF

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Ethos Lavender
Frag: none

The Process-
Was a bit indecisive this morning and I ended up grabbing The Fat and the Ethos Lavender. Brought the Slim back out because it hasn't see much action lately. Great shave and I am BBS for the win! Life is good!