TSC's "Velveteen Shaver"
Yesterday was my first no-shave day since my hospitalization back in January. My daughter-in-law had a bit of a medical emergency early yesterday morning! So I ended up spending the day at my son’s watching my youngest grandson, Nate, all day. Everything is fine now. So this morning when I woke up, I was really in the mood for a good shave! I’ve had a few shaves with the Feather SS Kamisori loaded with a Feather Super, which provided a close shave, but left me with at least 1 and sometimes 2 weepers consistently.
Since I’m still mastering proper hold technique, albeit with 6 extra pounds strapped to my forearms, I decided to heed my friend, Bill Morgan’s (@Edison Carter) advice. I didn’t own any ProGuards, but while admiring my son’s shave den yesterday, noticed a box of 10 Feather Proguards. So I helped myself to a magazine of 15 blades, and informed my son upon his return later that day that it constituted my childcare payment. Although in all honestly I should have paid him! Nate and I had a grand time.
Back to this morning’s shave! I decided to bowl lather my MWF this morning for a change. So I bloomed the puck in hot water during my shower. After my cold water rinse and Rabid Banana Preshave application, I loaded the Feather SS with the Feather Proguard blade directly from the magazine. Instead of a Schick injector style metal key, there’s a plastic post that fits into the end of the Kamisori SS and allows for direct, hands-free blade injection right into the razor.
With that task complete, I grabbed the Jayaruh Custom #343 Synthetic, a great little lather machine, and proceeded to generate an enormous amount of thick, slick lather from the bloomed MWF puck. The different blade resulted in an actual VBBS two pass (WTG, ATG) Mug Shave, my first with an open edge! Thanks, Bill! Should have heeded your well-intentioned advice earlier. What was even more amazing is that the alum check revealed no heat whatever! I considered using the same razor for the dome, but decided to quit while ahead. The Supply V2 is probably the best injector razor I own, and delivered its usual bloodless VBBS dome shave.
But the best part was yet to come! After a liberal splash of Humphreys WH followed by Osage Rub, I pulled out what used to be one of my favorite AS splashes, and a guaranteed migraine inducer for poor SWMBO, Ogallala Bay Rum and Sandalwood AS Splash. Fortunately, SWMBO is 374 miles away on Cape Cod until Monday. As my friend, Jim (@jluc) has been known to say, “I smell pretty!!”. I may have gone a bit overboard application-wise! I know thisbecause my good friend, Gromit, the dachshund, had an initial violent sneezing fit, and has since been keeping his distance probably until the fumes die down. I feel cool clean, and oh so velveteen!
RAZOR: Feather SS Kamisori (Mug), Supply V2 (Dome)
BLADE: Feather Proguard AC (Mug), Schick B-20 Proline (Dome)
PREP: Cold water rinse and Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
BRUSH: Jayaruh #343 Synthetic
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by HumphreysLilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood ASSplash.