The Shaving Cadre

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National Selfie Day, Let's put faces with names

Nooo scarf for Dave. It would cover up the awesome bow tie. Not many can pull off a bow tie like Dave can!
Thanks KJ. I may get me one of these man scarf thingys for out in the cold. You guys make them look good and it can cover the triple chin I sport. I need to remember to look up when doing a selfie to hide them ?
I have the same color man scarf that KJ has. Yeah, shamagh's are the only scarf that a guy can pull off and keep his testosterone intact
I learned when hunting out in cold weather that something around your neck really makes a huge difference keeping you warm and you can tuck half your face down in it when the wind is blowing. You need to try one Dave for sure. Guess I should post a picture of me in mine. I don't own a cell phone so I'll have to get my wife to take a picture.
A shamagh is a middle eastern piece of fabric that is actually square in shape if you were to have it unfolded and flat. If you fold it correctly you can wear it around your neck or use it as a full head covering / face covering. The traditional scarves we all know are just long, thin squares of fabric that wrap around your neck and beckon you to buy a matching pair of ear muffs while you sing off broadway tunes and skip down the street
No offense to those who like the traditional scarf and wear ear muffs of course
I think there's the cool factor too, see pictures below.

Shamagh below

Vs. Traditional scarf

Could be any of us under that "I've been deployed too long" beard. I personally think the guy in the shamagh is a wet shaver and he's really inspecting the shaving jobs of the gents in line. Here's the full picture.

That is a very well kept and wise looking beard sir. Now, please remember you own a shaving site.