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minimalist wallet


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
I'm zeroing in on what my EDC will be. I need one of those minimalist wallets that will hold only cash, one or two cards and my DL. I've seem some cool ones that are metal frames that seem to cost too much for the little you're actually getting. Anyone use these?
Dang now I went to their site... They got some new styles.
Thanks guys. Those are some good options that will work.
After some pre bed research I think I need one with a money clip attached or continue to use a money clip. The tri folding of bills for those makes getting cash a little more difficult and you can only carry so many bills. Functionally the Fantom would work but it’s not the prettiest nor is its price tag.
This is what I have used for the past year and a half. It has worked well for me, so far. Might not be what your looking for, though...

FIDELO Carbon Fiber Minimalist Wallet – Slim RFID Credit Card Holder Money Clip for Men
I'm zeroing in on what my EDC will be. I need one of those minimalist wallets that will hold only cash, one or two cards and my DL. I've seem some cool ones that are metal frames that seem to cost too much for the little you're actually getting. Anyone use these?

I have used money clips in the past and they are okay for an occasion or two but I hated it for everyday. I had one of those metal ones that you are talking about Dave and absolutely hated it. I used a ton of things and finally returned back to the trusty old bi-fold wallet. Mine has an insert that when I pull it can carry my DL in a windowed sleeve, three other cards and some cash. I use that for light traveling. Not very minimalist really...but I can be with it.
I'm a big Bellroy fan, I have the Card Pocket which is a very small wallet, I keep my cards and house key in there, and occasionally some cash, but you don't really need cash much here, everything is electronic.

They've got a some very slim choices, and every time I've looked at a metal frame job I come back to what I already have, it's just very comfortable for my uses.

I've got one of their zip phone cases as well, and a the Coin Fold wallet, for travel when I do use cash and get lots of change.
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It’s interesting. I used to carry no or very minimal cash. But then at some point I decided to try out the money clip my wife got me early on. And now I like to carry a decent amount, though I rarely use it.
@dangerousdon I mentioned it briefly on the zoom call last night. I’m trying to figure out what works for me so that I’m not walking around this summer with pockets full of stuff. I have a bag I’m starting to use that my wallet is in. The only trouble is it’s a new routine for me and I forget to grab it when I’m just running out to the store and have been caught four times at a register without my wallet. Luckily I’ve been able to pay in other ways, if ya know whaddi mean :ROFLMAO: So my plan is to keep my wallet with all those cards that I might need from time to time in that bag, but have something small with just my DL and a CC that I always have in my pocket.
Completely understand. I have had to do something like that before. Still, I wouldn't recommend one of those hard metal wallets. They were super uncomfortable.
I'm a fan of Saddleback. I've had mine for about 7 years and it's still holding up great. I've washed it a few times on accident, went swimming with it a few times, and it's even survived my wife's purse! I prefer the Chestnut.

Completely understand. I have had to do something like that before. Still, I wouldn't recommend one of those hard metal wallets. They were super uncomfortable.
Personally, I have no problem with the hard metal (metal-like) wallets. I carry mine in my front pocket. Sitting on a wallet, no matter how soft, is an annoyance.

I'm a fan of Saddleback. I've had mine for about 7 years and it's still holding up great. I've washed it a few times on accident, went swimming with it a few times, and it's even survived my wife's purse! I prefer the Chestnut.

Wow, that wallet is nice. I might put a strain on it (or damage the cards) personally, with the amount of cards I use. If I could whiddle them down a bit, I think I'd try this one.

Personally, the tobacco catches my eye.

Thanks for sharing @Techichi .
I tried a paper tyvek wallet which was thin, never ripped but the edges got all crumpled and staff/cards always threatened to slip out. Then I tried 2 different vegan minimal Dash wallets which tend to shred after a year. I went back to my old (at least 10 years) traditional leather wallet (which I kept) which is durable, functions and never goes out of style. Those rigid plastic or metal cases look awkward pushing out a card like a "pez dispenser" and just don't make sense for me. The leather Popov wallets do look interesting - I may have found a father's day gift for myself and my dad.