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May 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament: Tokyo -Kokugikan

I just read this rather interesting and compelling comment about why the current Ozeki may be struggling so much. What do you think?

“The sub-par performance by our three Ozeki this basho has sparked a lot of conversation and criticism, and I'd like to try and frame that conversation differently so that perhaps we don't see things quite as harshly. What I perceive to be at the core of the problem is simply that, unlike our expectation, which dictates there be a significant gulf in ability between an Ozeki and those ranked below them, upheld by the sustained performance required to achieve this rank, there is currently little meaningful difference in ability between our Ozeki and some of our junior san'yaku and upper-maegashira rikishi. This lack of difference in ability is then exacerbated by specifically problematic matchups for the Ozeki which may cause them to lose to opponents who may not compare to them in terms of overall records, but just so happen to fight in such a way that proves particularly challenging to them as individuals. Take takakeisho, for example. I've followed him very closely for years now, as he's my self-professed 'favorite' active rikishi, and I must admit I worry a lot more when I see he's matched up with the likes of Wakatakakage, Abi, or Kiribayama than say, Shodai or Mitakeumi. This is not because I think any of those first three rikishi are in some objective sense "better" than Takakeisho, or Shodai and Mitakeumi, but rather that the ways in which they fight, or even their physiques, are better tailored towards exploiting Takakeisho's specific, well-known weaknesses.
What I think we're seeing, in short, is the slow rise of a newer crop of rikishi who are unfortunately leveling out with their Ozeki seniors rather than rising above them. I think that the general level of skill among those ranked below Terunofuji, down to around M2/M3 is similar enough, but in such different ways that they're hitting a sort of standstill; one which prevents the Ozeki from ever making a serious run at Yokozuna, and the junior san'yaku from keeping rank long enough to take a stab at Ozeki.
What "should" happen, as time goes on, is that our youngest members will continue to improve as the Ozeki begin to decline (Mitakeumi and Shodai are a little on the older side, and I think Takakeisho's track record with injury is troubling enough to discount his youth), until we hit a point where the skill levels start to trade off just enough in the opposite direction that these frequent kadoban basho finally become demotions, and the congestion at the top of the banzuke begins to loosen up a little bit.
So essentially, when I see everyone screaming at the Ozeki to win more, know that what you're demanding of them specifically is to continue to improve their sumo at a rate that can outpace those ranked below them. Unfortunately, I don't think that is likely to happen at this point. And I think the banzuke will sort itself out in time, as it always does, but I would ask that we understand this and not get so caught up in the strangeness of the times in which we're living. Sumo is still in transition, folks! It's been there for a few years, I know, but it's a long game!”
The path to Ozeki is super tough in the first place. And once you get there, you are more likely than not to have sustained 30+ victories in 3 tournaments. Most Ozeki find themselves with losing records after their award run. Yokozuna is for keeps so they can take time off to heal, or pull out of tournaments citing hangnail or whatever. Some of this is what makes achieving Ozeki such a laudable accomplishment.
WOW! That Terunofugi vs Takakeisho match was exciting!

My favorites are not performing well this tourney so I think I am just rooting for the Yokozuna. He still doesn't seem 100% since having covid but man it's obvious he clearly a step ahead of most of competition.
Takayasu is having a bad basho, and Takakeisho isn’t at his best this one either, though that Teru bout was the best of the basho, so didn’t feel too bad.
Teru sort of bores me, I’m enjoying this everything up in the air basho immensely. Tbh other than the Taka’s I just enjoy seeing the sumo, and usually feel happy whoever comes out on top.
Could we see all 3 Ozeki in Kadoban?

My predictions: Teru wins tournament with 12-3. Shodai and Mitakeumi both go Kadoban. Takakeisho squeaks out a 8-7, just avoiding Kadoban.
I think tomorrows match to watch will be Mitakeumi vs Takakeisho, loser gets Kadoban regardless of what happens the last day. They are both going to want to win and both should be very motivated.
Really proud of how Takanosho fought this basho and he's one I will be watching closely. But man what a let down of a tourney. Ended the way I expected though.
Really proud of how Takanosho fought this basho and he's one I will be watching closely. But man what a let down of a tourney. Ended the way I expected though.
Yep, I feel the same! Hoping Ura makes a full recovery and that the Ozeki who are in the chopping block next tournament will have a fire lit under some things…