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March 2022 Sumo Tournament: Osaka


“I am the Grail Razor Hunter”
It's that time again, the tournament starts March 13th! Post your thoughts and reactions!

and go!
I'm looking to see Abi and Ura continue to have strong showings. I'm especially hoping that Ura is fully healed from the mild concussion he sustained during the last basho.

I'm hoping to see Abi push his way to an Ozeki promotion with at least 33 wins in the next three tournaments.

I'm wondering if Terunofuji will excel this tournament as well. He really seemed to be struggling with dynamic movement in the last tournament, severely hindered by his sore knees.

Will Shodai hang on to his Ozeki rank??? He needs a strong showing for sure!

LET'S GO Tochinoshin! I'm just hoping to see a strong showing! ♥️

Loads of questions and I'm excited to see what happens!
Not even sure who will be competing, check this out.

link to 252 sumo wrestlers, officials test positive after January tournament

"The governing body of professional sumo says a total of 252 wrestlers and officials have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus since the grand tournament ended in late January.
The Japan Sumo Association conducted PCR tests on all its members by Tuesday. It says nine wrestlers in the top or second-highest divisions, including Ozeki Champion Shodai, and 11 stable masters tested positive.
Yokozuna Grand Champion Terunofuji, Ozeki Takakeisho and Mitakeumi, who was newly promoted to Ozeki, among others have already been confirmed to have the virus.
The association says none of them has developed serious symptoms.
The association says it is implementing anti-infection measures based on experts' instructions in the run-up to the next grand tournament in Osaka in March."
Not even sure who will be competing, check this out.

link to 252 sumo wrestlers, officials test positive after January tournament

"The governing body of professional sumo says a total of 252 wrestlers and officials have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus since the grand tournament ended in late January.
The Japan Sumo Association conducted PCR tests on all its members by Tuesday. It says nine wrestlers in the top or second-highest divisions, including Ozeki Champion Shodai, and 11 stable masters tested positive.
Yokozuna Grand Champion Terunofuji, Ozeki Takakeisho and Mitakeumi, who was newly promoted to Ozeki, among others have already been confirmed to have the virus.
The association says none of them has developed serious symptoms.
The association says it is implementing anti-infection measures based on experts' instructions in the run-up to the next grand tournament in Osaka in March."
Just saying I will answer any and all phone calls that come in from Japan. I think I'd look sexy in a Mawashi!
Not even sure who will be competing, check this out.

link to 252 sumo wrestlers, officials test positive after January tournament

"The governing body of professional sumo says a total of 252 wrestlers and officials have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus since the grand tournament ended in late January.
The Japan Sumo Association conducted PCR tests on all its members by Tuesday. It says nine wrestlers in the top or second-highest divisions, including Ozeki Champion Shodai, and 11 stable masters tested positive.
Yokozuna Grand Champion Terunofuji, Ozeki Takakeisho and Mitakeumi, who was newly promoted to Ozeki, among others have already been confirmed to have the virus.
The association says none of them has developed serious symptoms.
The association says it is implementing anti-infection measures based on experts' instructions in the run-up to the next grand tournament in Osaka in March."
Dude! That sucks!!!
That was from early February but not sure who has symptoms or who will be ready to compete. Guess we will see this week.
I’m so lost. How are you guys watching this?
You can watch it on the NHK world ap for Roku or on their website. I’m just a knuckle dragged who watches the tournament a day or two behind, but @Fenster and @Majorrich watch Jason Sumo I think and get to see the matches earlier. He’s on YouTube.
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