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I'm no prude, but.....

First season of 24 is ok, after that forget it. It'd probably be fun to watch now, the campiness will shine even more.
yeah I have noticed that a lot of the popular shows from the 80's and 90's when watched now are funnier because of the styles and what-not from then... Whats really funny is watching shows that have the early cell phones that were the size of a brick and thinking wow that was the latest cutting edge tech of that time...
yeah I have noticed that a lot of the popular shows from the 80's and 90's when watched now are funnier because of the styles and what-not from then... Whats really funny is watching shows that have the early cell phones that were the size of a brick and thinking wow that was the latest cutting edge tech of that time...
I am probably wrong, but I think Nash Bridges had a brick phone!
I am probably wrong, but I think Nash Bridges had a brick phone!
by the time Nash bridges had came out in 1999 cell phones had dropped in size and they were already making some flip phones 9785949.jpg

.. Miami Vice had bigger phonesmiamivicecarphoneweb.jpg

as did shows like saved by the bell
Thanks my friend! Don Johnson had it all! And didn't he play football too?
I know some of his characters were former football players but i dont know if he played in real life. according to his Bio..... He graduated from Wichita South High School, where he was involved in the high school's theater program.. After graduating from high school in 1967, he enrolled at the University of Kansas as a theater major, but dropped out after one year. He subsequently relocated to San Francisco, California to attend the American Conservatory Theater...

as a side note there was a football player named Don Johnson but if you look it up on google it wasnt him. they attended different schools and were from different places...
As another correction of my statement I had Nash Bridges dates wrong.. The series ran for six seasons on CBS from March 29, 1996, to May 4, 2001, for a total of 122 episodes.. Sorry I gave the wrong start date... A good thing though to note is since it ran for over 100 episodes it is eligible for syndication.....
Was a good show. I really liked Cheech Marin in that.
I just saw this......
On July 18, 2019, it was announced that USA Network was working to revive Nash Bridges with series star Don Johnson as one of the showrunners and reprising his titular role. The revival will be a two-hour special which, if successful, could launch into a full-on reboot of the series. The revival will follow Nash, still running the SFPD's SIU and working to adjust a new boss and the changes of 2020 San Francisco
the story line was constantly changing and after the first couple of seasons there was not any single constant Villain's in 24 there always seemed to be different ones all the time which kind of was not fun because when a series makes sure there is someone that is constantly in the background it always adds a nice twist to the show... Kind of like MacGyver always had Murdock and Miami Vice had Calderone for several seasons...
Are you telling me you didn’t yell at the TV every time his daughter did something stupid?! He would simply say...”stay here and don’t go anywhere”...10 seconds later out the door she went and it pooched the next three episodes because they had to get her back!!! Come on!!! I was like “don’t you dare move b$&)h!”...out she’d go!
Are you telling me you didn’t yell at the TV every time his daughter did something stupid?! He would simply say...”stay here and don’t go anywhere”...10 seconds later out the door she went and it pooched the next three episodes because they had to get her back!!! Come on!!! I was like “don’t you dare move b$&)h!”...out she’d go!
Yeah that was frustrating But at the same time it was completely expected... How many of us would not expect the kids to do Exactly The Opposite of what we tell them to do ?? I mean any time someone tells someone to do anything on TV or in Movies they Always do the opposite.
Yeah that was frustrating But at the same time it was completely expected... How many of us would not expect the kids to do Exactly The Opposite of what we tell them to do ?? I mean any time someone tells someone to do anything on TV or in Movies they Always do the opposite.
Jack killed like 75 people over the length of the series!!! He killed everybody!!! Never mind the obvious of NOT listening...Odds I was banking on is that he’d shoot her! Man, for all the grief I would have shot her! :cautious:
I loved the series. But, how many times did "Jack go rogue" and had a BOLO issued by CTU for his arrest :LOL: From my contacts, Kiefer used to frequent the bars quite a bit when shooting in NYC. I know a couple people that hung out with him at the bars. They said he was a really down to earth guy. I wouldn't know, but that's what they said to me.
I loved the series. But, how many times did "Jack go rogue" and had a BOLO issued by CTU for his arrest :LOL: From my contacts, Kiefer used to frequent the bars quite a bit when shooting in NYC. I know a couple people that hung out with him at the bars. They said he was a really down to earth guy. I wouldn't know, but that's what they said to me.
He was / is a very nice guy. Very much just a regular guy. A lot of people in the industry are nice as long as they don't have people constantly all over them. There are though quite a few that want the attention and expect to be treated "special" and those are the ones that are a Major pain in the butt !!!!
I wouldn't know about this current generation in the industry as I basically retired from it until my children get older and then I may look at rejoining after that. I still occasionally do stuff but not much these days.
Alas, Labatt's han't been Canadian for a while after selling to Anheuser-Busch. Molson's sold out to Coors as well.