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I'm no prude, but.....


Sr. Shave Member
My bride and I "binge" watched a show on Netflix called "Designated Survivor" that started out for 2 seasons on I believe NBC. Keiffer Sutherland plays the president of the US.

First two seasons: zero profanity.

Netflix buys it and puts out a third season: whoa!

This went from being a show that you could pretty safely watch with Granny and your Elementary Skool Aged Kid to being X rated in the language department.

And most of it was gratuitous. Like a bunch of 5th graders trying to sound "all growed up" if you know what I mean.

Any one here watch it? Thoughts? Any other shows that you can warn me about?
My interest in that show fizzled out after about 7 or 8 episodes so I didn't see any of the Netflix episodes. But yeah, I find it annoying. And I'll leave my thoughts on the matter at that. šŸ¤
My bride and I "binge" watched a show on Netflix called "Designated Survivor" that started out for 2 seasons on I believe NBC. Keiffer Sutherland plays the president of the US.

First two seasons: zero profanity.

Netflix buys it and puts out a third season: whoa!

This went from being a show that you could pretty safely watch with Granny and your Elementary Skool Aged Kid to being X rated in the language department.

And most of it was gratuitous. Like a bunch of 5th graders trying to sound "all growed up" if you know what I mean.

Any one here watch it? Thoughts? Any other shows that you can warn me about?
I agree when the shows jump networks they go crazy...
Lucifer when it was on public tv had to be tamed down and while it still is sort of the first thing the actor who plays lucifer said when they jumped was that you see him naked on his back side which was something they couldnt do before.
Wanted to watch it, never got around to it though. Yet.

Never got to watch ā€œ24ā€ either. Another on my list.
some shows that move from network tv are actually able to make a better show like the Orville which aired on fox is moving to hulu and while they will only have like 10 or 11 episodes the episodes will average 10 extra minutes each which will mean they are able to tell a story better.. on network tv the episodes had to be exactly 42 minutes which was why Seth liked the move........
Wanted to watch it, never got around to it though. Yet.

Never got to watch ā€œ24ā€ either. Another on my list.
Lol, even though it was one of my favorite talk radio guy's favorite show, I never watched 24 either. I wonder if it would be dated feeling today?

Also: Designated Survivor was eerily prescient in parts. REALLY eery.
Chris 24 will have you yelling at the TV halfway through season will go completely mental if you watch all of it! Move on...nothing to see hear...
It went on for so long though didnā€™t it? Surely there must be something to it... :unsure:
It went on for so long though didnā€™t it? Surely there must be something to it... :unsure:
hey 24 wasnt that bad.. I remember it and watched the whole series and even own it on DVD/ digital... The thing i didnt like was when they tried to reboot it... That series just totally S%^&ed !!!!!!!!!
the story line was constantly changing and after the first couple of seasons there was not any single constant Villain's in 24 there always seemed to be different ones all the time which kind of was not fun because when a series makes sure there is someone that is constantly in the background it always adds a nice twist to the show... Kind of like MacGyver always had Murdock and Miami Vice had Calderone for several seasons...
My wife & I enjoyed the first 2 seasons, Season 1 more than #2. After a few episodes of season 3, we stopped watching. We commented on the language also. The writing became stale, the language became uncalled for, & the storylines were uninteresting.
I guess I kept watching 24 because of the fact I wanted to see how it ended and sutherland is / was such a nice guy when we hung out on and off a movie set we were both on several years ago..I still have a shirt he gave me when something got spilled on me and we were going somewhere and I didn't have another shirt with me right then to put on.