The Shaving Cadre

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If you have to do something...

Shave #281 (445 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Gillette Pre-war Tech, Wizamet blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ pony synth brush, Moin Soaps Amaretto Speciale soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, and RR The Stallion AS to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 206:

Today’s shave brought to you in part by a very nice PIF from @bobmsp!

Now that the wedding is over and I don’t work for a few days, I had room to experiment and try the Amaretto Speciale from Bob. The scent, of you like Italian almond soaps, is a flat out punch to the nose of amaretto awesomeness. The visual quality of the soap even reminds me of the look of my favorite amaretto cookie as a kid. The soap is ultra soft, almost a cream. It worked up a lather very easily and took a good amount of water. I don’t think I got a perfect for this soap lather, but it was still pretty decent. It was think and cushiony, smelled delicious, and had a fair amount of slickness. Residual slickness is where I ran into issues, unless I splashed on more water. It’ll take some more try’s to make a fully realized lather I think though; I need to load less and use more water. As for PSF, the local tallow base did slightly above average I’d say. The shave was good enough that, Moon Soaps being local to CA (Santa Cruz is about 4 hours away), I’ve browsed through their other soaps...which look classy and sound quite nice (they’re on the slightly higher side of prices though).

Thanks again Bob!

Have a good Wednesday all.
Glad you like the soap, Chris! I think that my problem with it was that it is a little finicky. I agree that you may be able to get a better lather with experimentation, but I've become spoiled with the number of phenomenal soaps that'll work under just about any condition. I'd be interested to hear about the rest of the Moon line. It looked to me as if only the Amaretto was soft and that the others are more of a traditional-soap consistency.
Glad you like the soap, Chris! I think that my problem with it was that it is a little finicky. I agree that you may be able to get a better lather with experimentation,
I’m hoping so! I really love the scent. Thanks again Bob!
Shave #282 (446 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Gillette Pre-war Tech, Wizamet blade, SV/TSC Il Re Tasso d’Oro brush, SV 70th soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, SV Desert Vetiver AS, and Zaharoff Pour Homme to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 207:

Started the birthday day by sleeping in a couple extra hours. Got up to a nice little breakfast.

Showered and shaved. Birthday shave was the full SV lineup, including what was left of my Desert Vetiver sample. Very nice shave. Only one nick on the chin that closed up quickly. Finished up with some generous spritzes of Zaharoff PH. Very nice!

Took advantage of my Starbucks birthday reward and got the missus something too.

Most of the rest of the day will be pretty standard. I do get my birthday dinner of choice (Spam style fried rice) and some game time though.

Have a good Thursday all.
Awesome, that Desert Vetiver has my name on it..... I don't need any more soap! LOL

Happy birthday again! Enjoy the SPAM
Shave #283 (447 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Feather AC SS folding, Feather Pro blade, Gillette Pre-war Tech, Wizamet blade, Paladin Harlequin Chief 26mm brush, Moon Soaps Amaretto soap, homemade witch hazel/aloe blend, Ogalalla Bay Rum & Sandalwood AS, and Ferragamo Uomo to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 208:

Another day!

Pretty good shave today revisiting the Amaretto soap. Really worked in the extra water this time and was rewarded with decent slickness and that dry lather feeling was gone for the most part...though the lather was lighter/fluffier, it still felt nice. Not an elite soap I think, but and enjoyable one nevertheless. Followed up with Ogalalla (which I forgot I had, though it doesn’t entirely match) and Uomo...I smell like a nice sweet baked treat right now...good thing? Maybe for the missus...

Weekend watering starts today. Getting the kids through the last classes and homework for the week. May take everyone out later for some Pinkberry froyo to which I got a gift certificate yesterday as a gift.

Weather is amazing today...probably got into the 50s last night and the cooler temps will last well into the noontime.

Have a Good Friday all.