The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #141 (411 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Weck Med Prep shavette, Personna HS blade, RR GC .68 SB, Shark blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, Stirling Hipster soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Stirling Hipster AS to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 66:

Busy morning, up early.

Some school to help facilitate and some virtual doctor appointments to assist with. The missus and I are squeezing in our date morning breakfast in between all that.

I did get my shave in with the Weck, GC .68, and Hipster set. Fairly nice and no fuss. Shark blade needs to be changed out already; it’s only been 3 shaves...just not feeling smooth.

Church Zoom meetings later tonight.

Have a great Wednesday all!
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Shave #142 (412 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Weck Med Prep shavette, Personna HS blade, RR GC .68 SB, Sputnik blade, Sorrentino TSC 1st Anniversary badger brush, Zingari The Healers soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Pinaud Vanilla AS, and Atelier Vanille Insensee to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 67:

Little bit less stressful day today. Leftover date morning food for breakfast...including a nice big, fat, cinnamon roll!

Went out to take care of a couple chores. Then it was right back home for a hair trim and nice shower n shave. Brought out the Zingari Healers soap with some nicely complimenting vanilla scents to finish the shave out.

The heat is starting to ramp up for the next week, with some days possibly reaching around 100. Ugh.

Have a great Thursday all!