Shave #255 (338 Open Blade Shaves) of 2019:
Gear: Gillette NEW RFB OC, Astra SP blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, JoHS Turkish Bath soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Fine Platinum AS to finish!
A bit groggy and sore this morning, but none the worse for the wear after my morning freshen up!
First shave with the NEW RFB today. It’s nice to be able to give a rarer piece of shave history a whirl!
Initial thoughts/observations: I happen to have a NEW LC. I guess the RFB would count as a SC? The OC guard on the RFB definitely does not extend out as far and the teeth are a tad shorter. Comparing to a NEW SC might provide a better assessment. The LC with its solid handle does feel a tad more heavy than the hollow handled RFB. The RFB also seems (to my eye) to have a slightly increased blade gap from the LC, though I can’t comment on the actual bend of the blade, that looked too similar.
Anyway, very similar shave to the regular NEW as others have identified. There were moments it felt just like the LC shave to me (though I haven’t shaved with that in a little over a week). Surprisingly though, the RFB felt a little more finicky on the angle, there were a few strokes that felt sort of tight/scrape-y when I stopped riding the cap. That doesn’t happen with the LC. This first shave, the ATG with the RFB did not feel as smooth as the LC. So far, the LC is in the favored position.
More shave science required!
Ended up staying a little over 30 minutes late last night, doing some extra manual labor things for the major event prep happening today. I think that’s why I was dragging a little and a bit sore. More of the same today though.
Some good news on the horizon - I have an initial phone interview with a church in Mississippi! It’s for a director of youth position. Small church, small city...significantly reduced housing costs (and far more house) from CA, that’s for sure! It’s my first bite so far, but it’s something positive. We’ll see what happens!
Happy Thursday all!