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How much weight will Rich Gain on his 9 day cruise?

My friends iPhone registered not only his steps, but stairs as well! I fiddled with mine, but apparently the SE doesn’t have this ability.
Awww Rich, better luck next cruise. I hate to have you feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth.
Day 1 Crab cakes, prime rib and a chocolate tart
Day 2 Lobster bisque, Duck l’Orange and a chocolate tart that I forgot to take a photo of.
Day 3 (Boston) failed altogether to take my camera. But we had lunch at Legal seafood. Crab Cakes.
Day 4 (Portland, Me) Crab Cakes, (I was exhausted so this is from memory. I kept leaving my phone in the room) don’t recall the main dish, I loves me some crab cake!
Day 5 don’t remember, we ate at the top deck smorgasboard
Day 6 carrot cumin salad, Chicken Parmesan, ice cream
Day 7 lamb shank,
Day 8 Vidalia onion tart, prime rib. 3x lobster tails, baked Alaska

I’m sure I missed a lot, I was delirious with all the food available everywhere I turned. your cruise weight loss program! Partner with a major cruise line. You’ll make millions!

Congrats Ben!
I demand a recount! Come on there's another half pound there. Take the shirt off!

Congrats either way I guess it is what is