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How much weight will Rich Gain on his 9 day cruise?

When I cruise, my goal is 1 lb/day. Easy to do on a 7-day trip, not so easy on a 14. Rich will probably eat more meat and potatoes than I do, and probably a LOT less salad. Therefore, my guess is 10.0 lbs.

1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - Somnos - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Milkcrate - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4lbs - TheMonkey - Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.
10. 10.0 lbs - rockviper - Eat up, big boy! You paid for it already!
Ya’ll are guessing too early. Gotta wait to see how the first days of the cruise go
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - Somnos - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Milkcrate - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4lbs - TheMonkey - Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.
10. 10.0 lbs - rockviper - Eat up, big boy! You paid for it already!
11. 6.4 lbs - uacowboy - Gotta enjoy the food but still enjoy the trip!
That's it, I can't compete with these deep thinkers..................What time of day is the weigh in? Will it be before or after the restroom visit?.....................
Do you wear surfer shorts or are you trying to keep a Speedo body?
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - Somnos - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Milkcrate - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4lbs - TheMonkey - Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.
10. 10.0 lbs - rockviper - Eat up, big boy! You paid for it already!
11. 6.4 lbs - uacowboy - Gotta enjoy the food but still enjoy the trip!
12. 7.0 lbs - Aaron - I could gain that much on poutine alone!
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - Somnos - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Milkcrate - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4lbs - TheMonkey - Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.
10. 10.0 lbs - rockviper - Eat up, big boy! You paid for it already!
11. 6.4 lbs - uacowboy - Gotta enjoy the food but still enjoy the trip!
12. 7.0 lbs - Aaron - I could gain that much on poutine alone!
13. 4.2 lbs. - NurseDave - ya ain’t pushing yourself Rich!
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - Somnos - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Milkcrate - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4lbs - TheMonkey - Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.
10. 10.0 lbs - rockviper - Eat up, big boy! You paid for it already!
11. 6.4 lbs - uacowboy - Gotta enjoy the food but still enjoy the trip!
12. 7.0 lbs - Aaron - I could gain that much on poutine alone!
13. 4.2 lbs. - NurseDave - ya ain’t pushing yourself Rich!
14. 4.3 lbs. - dangerousdon - playing The Price is Right with @NurseDave
My step count has indeed been spectacular this week. But I’ve also been eating a lot more. I rarely do breakfast, but have been doing it this whole week and then the lobster-palooza yesterday. Im really curious how this is going to go. We picked out the prize and it is indeed pretty neat!
Eat more, my friend! The buffet is still open!
If Rich has spent more than 30 mins in the bathroom today, he's probably been "unpacking" his "carry-on belly suitcase" and all bets are off for his weight gain due to evidence tampering.

Translation: I need an excuse in case I have overestimated his appetite 🤪
Ok gents. The official weighing has been made and repeated. (I didn’t believe it either. But twice; I have to accept it.)
Pre-Cruise weight was 216.2.

I am as shocked as you guys! I lost .8 pounds despite my epicurean efforts. I must confess to having developing quite a taste for those yummy rolls with endless butter. It appears the closest guess is @bentheduck ! I actually was amused by Chad and Ben’s guesses, but insight into the rigors of the miles must have driven them.

So... @bentheduck please pm me your address for the mystery prize.
I would hate to see him undue all the hard work on his weight management. As we age, it’s harder to remove those stubborn pounds. Anything over ... oh I’d say 3.5 lbs ... will be difficult to shed.
Scam! Fake News!! 🤪

Congrats, Rich! Outside of someone being ill onboard, your weight loss on a cruise is probably a world first!

PS. Use it as an incentive to convince the wife that you need to cruise yearly! Lots of easy 3/4/7/10/14-day trips out of Ft.Lauderdale.