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How much weight will Rich Gain on his 9 day cruise?


"I have Always been Rich"
Official Starting weight 216.2 pounds (98.07 kilos) (15.44 stone) LOL at noon 6 Aug 2019. Cutoff for guess is when I leave the ship on 17 Aug at Noon Eastern Time. I will do my official weight at noon the first full day we are home. Mystery prize TBD as I will pick it up along the way on the cruise. It may be cool, it might not. That’s what makes this fun.

We'll need to know about which excursions you're book for as well.
That's it, I can't compete with these deep thinkers..................
I don’t get seasick. Only two excursions of note. The trolly tour of Boston, we can get on and off as we please. Looking forward to seeing the Constitution. We ar also going to Acadia when we hit Bar Harbor. They are including a Lobster roll with that one. We are taking a Duck boat tour of Halifax. Looking forward to fooding it around. Seafoods (of course) but trying other regional things as we find them. Including Poutine and Beaver Tails
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
In thinking about it, we will be doing a lot of walking... but there’s two days at sea from Halifax to Baltimore.
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight. Better pack your big pants for the last half of the cruise.
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Have a great time and safe travels.
1. 8.8lbs - Spider
2. 9.2 lbs - Dave in KY, Go for the Carbs while ya can Rich ;)
3. -2.5 lbs - Cvargo
4. 0.0 - bentheduck, I believe in you, Rich!
5. 3.7 lbs. - I hope you have a lovely vacay buddy!
6. 5.1 lbs - GearNoir...anyone who put 5.2 or more is just rude! :ROFLMAO:
7. 11.4 lbs -CBLindsay ...don’t worry Rich, it’s mostly water weight.
8. 3.5 lbs - Have a great time and safe travels.
9. 2.4 Poutine isn't easy on the thighs.