The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Have I offended anyone?


TSC's Cheerleader
Hello all I am curious about something... Have i done something that has offended one or All of you? I just get the sense of something being wrong and was just curious...I mean i post questions and no one replies or i comment and its like i'm being ignored lately.....
Hello all I am curious about something... Have i done something that has offended one or All of you? I just get the sense of something being wrong and was just curious...I mean i post questions and no one replies or i comment and its like i'm being ignored lately.....
For myself i can say you have done nothing to offend. I have seen a few of your questions and not responded simply because i had no experience or knowledge that would be of use to the conversation.
Hello all I am curious about something... Have i done something that has offended one or All of you? I just get the sense of something being wrong and was just curious...I mean i post questions and no one replies or i comment and its like i'm being ignored lately.....
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The guys here are pretty hard to offend, I mean they put up with me! No one kills a thread better than me.

Sometimes when a question is asked that no one really knows an answer they don't comment. This becomes more oblivious with such a small group on a small forum. I wouldn't read too much into it.
Ditto what Kyle said. Not offended but if I have no information for you, I can't respond. If referring to the razor question. I never used it and so have nothing to say. You may not get an immediate response especially on a weekend.

I may be offended that you think you offended me 😜
Ditto what Kyle said. Not offended but if I have no information for you, I can't respond. If referring to the razor question. I never used it and so have nothing to say. You may not get an immediate response especially on a weekend.

I may be offended that you think you offended me 😜
no its not about the razor question, i have just had a nagging feeling of dread for lack of a better way to describe it lately....
ok thank you all ... I have just had a strange feeling on here lately for some reason....
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The guys here are pretty hard to offend, I mean they put up with me! No one kills a thread better than me.

Sometimes when a question is asked that no one really knows an answer they don't comment. This becomes more oblivious with such a small group on a small forum. I wouldn't read too much into it.
thank you
Ditto what Kyle said. Not offended but if I have no information for you, I can't respond. If referring to the razor question. I never used it and so have nothing to say. You may not get an immediate response especially on a weekend.

I may be offended that you think you offended me 😜
thank you
No worries here, but please allow me to apologize in advance for my anticipated offenses . I like to believe I'm only half the jerk I appear to be.