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Gas Prices


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
Geez gas prices here have been getting completely out of control here! I drive a hybrid and only fill up once a month when driving just back and forth to work and don't have as much officiating going on. At the end of last month I paid $2.18/gallon, last night I paid $2.89/gallon! Now I know that summer prices are usually higher BUT COME ON! This is a crazy increase.
At this rate I will be back to those blasted $4 per gallon soon.

So what are you paying per gallon?
$2.89 a gallon? That's wonderful!

I paid $1.28CDN/liter this morning.


@Cvargo , what are you complaining about? Prices here are $3.67-$3.75

Why is it so high up there?

Of course.....I just plugged into the wall last night :censored:

Doesn't your wife drive a gas powered vehicle? Also have you noticed any significant increase in your electric bill? If so I bet it is still cheaper than buying gas at $4 a gallon
Doesn't your wife drive a gas powered vehicle? Also have you noticed any significant increase in your electric bill? If so I bet it is still cheaper than buying gas at $4 a gallon
Ya, just messin' with you. We still have 2 ICE (internal combustion engine as the electric folks like to call them) cars.
Yes, the electric bill has gone up. But we also switched to an electric vehicle plan that includes time of use pricing and I set the car to not start charging until 11pm when off-peak prices hit. And when I'm feeling frugal, I just won't charge it during the week and go charge it for free at a supercharger on the weekend.
Ok I lied. It is $2.67 to $2.75. Just feels like $3. Our Governor is talking about a .40 carbon tax which would kill us rural folks.

We had a gas tax increase that our lovely legislature put on us as well. extra .32! RIDICULOUS!
I need to put premium in my car and I paid $3.15 a gallon the other day. It will easily reach $3.50 in a month and will likely continue to rise during the dead of summer.
Hovering around $3.80 here as well, with a slow trend continuing up. This is just after being spoiled last year with sub $3 prices. I bet we’ll break the $4 mark soon.
As well, no one forces anyone to drive.

Well in rurals you don't have a choice if you want to work. I have to drive to run my route of work which is nearly an hour to one way. We're at $2.60 a gallon now. I fill the work truck twice a week besides the wifes car. One shoe doesn't fit everyone.......