The Shaving Cadre

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FROSTY’S 2022 Christmas Card Exchange

I need to get a pick up from the cards I received. Will try to do that tonight.
I think I got a card from everyone who signed up. Except no card from Gerry. So he either hates me or it got lost in the mail
I think I got a card from everyone who signed up. Except no card from Gerry. So he either hates me or it got lost in the mail
??? not sure, definitely sent one. I think I sent mine out earlier than most.
I think I got a card from everyone who signed up. Except no card from Gerry. So he either hates me or it got lost in the mail
So did anyone get mine?? I haven't heard anything about if anyone got them... If not I will remail ALL in hopes that they arrive even if a day or 2 late......
So did anyone get mine?? I haven't heard anything about if anyone got them... If not I will remail ALL in hopes that they arrive even if a day or 2 late......
I have not... And I double checked the door
I have gotten 3 cards this year.... So Far.... Thanks Chad and family @CVargo and Steven and family @heysi and Thank you Don and family @dangerousdon .. When I first opened Don's there was a chorus of "DANGERBABY' Awwwww. Cute heard around the house !!!!....... Also to Chad @CVargo , I want to say an additional thanks for what you wrote in your card .....
Oh and as an addendum I would like to say thanks to Steven @heysi for his reply in the card too and Don @dangerousdon that was the cutest little group of pics in your card... She is really adorable......
Cadre Card-1.jpg
For All here at the cadre a virtual card for those who didn't participate this year and who I dont have addresses for.....