The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


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1. @Majorrich (Rich)
2. @Spider (KJ)
3. @Cvargo (Chad)
4. dangerousdon
5. Quijote
I am tickled to the bones (NOT) that my Christmas cards may go out late. I received my package... Well... its better I show you..


Yes my friends, they are Tiny, that is not a picture of Momma and Me, and that’s not our name. I was not entirely amused... I’m hoping the real order arrives in time to mail them so you will all get them before time to take them down to put away.

I will send them out, and if they are late, the best wishes for Christmas and a Prosperous Shiny, Happy New Year!
I was going to say you look good in red lipstick Rich, but since that’s not you...

TSC should hunt down this Mr Miller fellow...I’ll bet he could become a traditional shaver!
I think you should just send those and let people wonder
I am tickled to the bones (NOT) that my Christmas cards may go out late. I received my package... Well... its better I show you..

View attachment 12209

Yes my friends, they are Tiny, that is not a picture of Momma and Me, and that’s not our name. I was not entirely amused... I’m hoping the real order arrives in time to mail them so you will all get them before time to take them down to put away.

I will send them out, and if they are late, the best wishes for Christmas and a Prosperous Shiny, Happy New Year!
Ya but imagine the shock of this perfect family has looking at their box of cards they recieved thinking "who the heck are the Blounts" !

I do hope things get straightened out.
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They were so tiny t might be able to write addresses on them, but the post wouldn’t accept them as postcards.
Yes I'm running behind. I blame it on the late Thanksgiving.

I did receive a nice monkey card though
Yes I'm running behind. I blame it on the late Thanksgiving.

I did receive a nice monkey card though
You too! And I thought I was the only one! :)

I am waiting to see if we get more participants before I start collecting names and addresses.
Sorry folks, the wife surprised me with an anniversary lunch yesterday, so I missed the deadline. They are in the mail now though.
I've been so focused on finishing my Rudolph Exchange box, I didn't realize the deadline for cards was so soon..... Mine will be going out late as well.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
--Douglas Adams
Oops! I guess I didn't pay attention and didn't realize there was a deadline. I'll get these out by Monday! Guess I need to gather some addresses!
Everyone here should have received a card from me. If I missed you please let me know.

And thank you for all the wonderful cards.