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"End of the World" or "Apocalyptic" themed thread!


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Well it seems that all of humanity has lost its ever loving mind! The Wuhan Flu has taken over common sense and for whatever reason...I can't seem to find any TP. While I am trying to be somewhat serious about the whole "epidemic," it's getting hard to take anything serious any more. As evidenced by radio stations giving away toilet paper. Seriously? Yeah, this is a real thing. I know everyone is on edge right now with all the cancellations of schools, gatherings, primaries, and sporting events (thank goodness it's not football season or I might have lost my mind). So, let's have a little fun here...

This thread is your opportunity to post a song, a meme, a GIF, a ridiculous article, etc, etc, etc, about the End of the World, the Apocalypse, or whatever. So let's lighten up a bit! Only rules are to keep it clean, don't make it political, be tasteful, and respect your fellow posters.

I'll start this off. I could have posted the REM video of "It's the End of the World." But that would be too easy, and I did it in another thread. But seriously...I am already tired of this whole

Hey, might as well pick up some of that limited edition room scent while you're there!
So somehow I always thought that my theme song to the end of the world would be "The End" by The Doors. Jim Morrison always seemed to have that haunting apocalyptic voice...

But some how...with the Toilet Paper Apocalypse (or TPA to be brief) what is more of a fitting theme song is Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs."

I mean with lyrics like...

You always seemed so sure

That one day we'd fight in
In a suburban world
your part of town gets minor
So you're standin' on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored
We were already, already bored

Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it

I'm movin' past the feeling again

How can this song not apply to our current situation!
Disclamer: This is a poor attempt at a little conspiracy theory humor. This was not meant to be serious research. If I have offended anyone I truly am sorry.

So it's hard to tell what the exact timeline, specifically when the Coronavirus outbreak began. However, "The original case of the novel coronavirus emerged on November 17, according to data from the Chinese government reviewed by South China Morning Post." ( Reference 1 )

What I find very interesting is that, "The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. " ( Reference 2 ) big deal right? "Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms." ( Reference 3 ) Hmmm....sound familiar? be fair...this scenario starts out with big farmers in Brazil. The rest of it goes like this..."The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."

Maybe not exact...but in October there were people kicking around a very similar idea to what is happening now. The only thing they either forgot to mention or just just got completely wrong, was the global shortage on Toilet Paper. In the real world I predict that only the wealthiest will be able to afford TP and it is prized more highly than gold.

So...what are we to think of this? Is John Hopkins masterminding a push to a New World Order? Are Bill and Melinda Gates at the center of the COVID 19 conspiracy? Is China just a scapegoat? And why are we not hearing anything coming out of South America and Africa about this? These secrets are only for you to decide!
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I read a government report a while back that spoke about fatalities should the grid go down. It was estimated that 60% of the population in the US would be dead in the first year. It also stated that there is only a 48 hour supply of food in any given city in the US. This has all come crashing into my brain this past week. I kinda doubted the 60% figure, but now I really do see it. No TP.....well, every body will be doing their business outside and that just causes a whole host of diseases and issues. Then when winter hits there's millions that wouldn't know how to start a fire without a match or lighter let alone build a shelter or boil water to drink. Just imagine if people couldn't get fuel, food, access to their money, no TV or internet or phone service. It's made me rethink a lot of things. How well am I prepared for events like these? What supplies would I take if I had 10 minutes to bug-out of my home? This event does teach us that you better have what you need stored away well before a crisis hits because you don't want to have to be searching for it and finding empty shelves. I have plans for this stuff, but I'm rethinking a lot of them just witnessing this COVID-19 crisis.

We've become soft as a nation. Skills that we used to have to use to live daily are long forgotten. Who even knows how to process wild game and dry meat for storage anymore? Who even has an axe at there house to chop firewood? Do you have it figured out how you make it home if you can't drive? Most have none of these skills anymore. I think it's time many should start learning them again. If you live in a city, better come up with a plan to get out of there within the first 8 hours after something catastrophic happens. While everyone else is heading to Costco to fight over the last roll of TP, you could be on the highway leading your family to a safer place. After 48 hours the highways will be gridlocked with like minded people all trying to get out of the city. Seriously folks, you need to think this stuff through and this minor COVID-19 crisis is a sneak peak to wake some of us up. I'm not a prepper so to speak, but I really strongly believe in being prepared in a sensible way.