As you see in the video Bill, you just need to rotate the stone on the plate. Then you manually shape the diagonal "ridge lines" with sand paper. You have that fancy shaping plate. That would probably work better for this step. The final step is to use a concave dressing stone to either maintain, and/or do some final adjustments.
The honing is ideally a three step process. This just shows that this can also be quite simple if you do not need the extra flexibility. If you use a fast synthetic stone for the last step, you will probably end up with that shape overtaking the bevel. That is why i prefer to use a hard slow stone for that last step. Arkansas stones are perfect for this, in my option at least.
The stone used was a Les Lat hybrid coticule. The hybrid side was flat. My intention was just to show how i shape some of my stones. The honing part is probably covered much better by others.
Here is how you can calculate the shimming required to get the radius you are after. I probably ended up with a radius of about 4-5 meters.
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