The Shaving Cadre

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CBL Soaps arrived today.

Thank you!

Yes I'm with you on the Heritage Gibbs duplicate and I'm not going to take the plunge on either until I compare them. A few years ago I'd jump in on all the current releases and then in many cases have to turn around and try to sell them so I've learned how to be more patient before ordering a new razor I've never shaved with.
I’m with you on not jumping in on something without hearing how it performs. Depending on the final pricing on the replica I may just take the plunge though. It work out for me with the Yates, but sooner or later I know my luck will run out.
Well had a chance to use CBL Grassroots Lavender I got from Chris and I was in a big rush so I did a one pass shave going only WTG but doing some pretty aggressive skin stretching using my Gillette RFB with a TiBam Ti handle which is a combo I really like a lot! Loaded a once used Feather in it after a face lathering that gave me a nice dense lather which I painted on. Lavender scent is very mild, slickness was very good and my lather was so dense I had a nice cushion to cruise on. I only had one days growth but I ended up with a very nice DFS which Is good enough for a one pass work shave. I used some Thayers Lavender tonic after rinsing and drying my face and then a splash of AOS Lavender and Coriander cologne. I’m gonna try Game Of Thrones next to complete my CBL collection. So overall a Very nice shave from all the gear I used today.

Thanks Chris!
