The Shaving Cadre

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CBL Soaps arrived today.

Alas, no CBL aftershave..... maybe a collaboration is in order?

Iā€™d do it no problem!

It is my belief that collaborations unite not only the two soap makers, Razors Makers or Brush makers for example but they give the members or followers of each of the two brands a sense of a brotherhood with no competitive jealousy involved I believe itā€™s good for our community.

Just my two cents on the subject.

Great post my friend! šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ¼
I used the CBL Premium SIR Fougere that Chris sent me for this mornings shave and I really enjoyed it a lot. Scent was great ( Iā€™ll say more on that later) slickness was excellent and I actually mixed enough for a 3 pass shave but only did two passes because I wanted to check out the post shave so when I was done with my 2 ATG pass I rinsed and reapplied a thin layer or the lather as I cleaned up my gear and then rinsed with cold water and didnā€™t use an Aftershave for about an hr. The soap gave me a nice dense lather which is what I prefer and it lathered up quickly and rinsed out nicely as well so another winner for me!
So hereā€™s the other part.. I like the cleanFougere scent and Iā€™m honestly very picky on Fougere scents Iā€™m not going to lie. This is not a dark Fougere but more so a light clean one which definitely I enjoyed very much. So hereā€™s the bad part! At least for me. After only using the soap and no aftershave and enjoying the leftover scent trail the soap left I should have just stopped there. I used the Asylum Fougere AS splash and itā€™s more of a Fern scent. Well it overpowered that nice clean scent of the soap and it didnā€™t pair well with the soap!! So hereā€™s what I did and some may laugh at this but I took a scoop out of the soap puck and washed my face to get rid of the aftershave scent and put another layer on and left it on for about 5 minutes and then just rinsed with cold water and now Iā€™m happy again!
Oh and this was my first shave with the new Taiga razor thatā€™s in the pass around over on DFS and without going into extreme details I used it on setting 5 and did a WTG and ATG pass and ended up with a very solid BBS and on first impressions Iā€™m loving this razor. Smooth and efficient and very much like my Gibbs and canā€™t wait to test the higher settings. Oh used a brand new hand stropped Feather Blade in it for this superb shave!

Oh and thanks again to @CBLindsay for the very generous sample! Very much appreciated! This one was a winner for me. Thatā€™s two for two! Lol

Great review of the soap Frank! Not sure if it is my preferred CBL soap base or not...but Chris' Premium soap base with hemp oil is my absolute favorite! Glad you enjoyed the soap and this is a scent of his I haven't tried yet. So I think a purchase at sometime will be in order.
Great review of the soap Frank! Not sure if it is my preferred CBL soap base or not...but Chris' Premium soap base with hemp oil is my absolute favorite! Glad you enjoyed the soap and this is a scent of his I haven't tried yet. So I think a purchase at sometime will be in order.

Iā€™d go for it if I were you itā€™s a very light clean Fougere my friend. Well worth the price of admission. šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ¼
Sorry to be late to the party Frank, Iā€™ve been following along but not had a good opportunity to respond to what youā€™ve posted here. First, let me say THANK YOU for giving CBL soap a try. I know you have a lot of great soaps at your disposal so trying a new brand is a big deal. I happy to be able to hear what you think about the different CBL soaps, I have a lot of fun making them.

Others have already said it but Iā€™ll say it too, I donā€™t make a CBL brand aftershave. I considered making an aftershave product in matching scents but the honest truth is I have ZERO skills and ZERO knowledge in that area. I would rather offer nothing than to make something inferior or dangerous. I personally enjoy a simple splash of witch hazel, 91% isopropyl, a drizzle of glycerin and a healthy dose of menthol crystals or whatever I have handy. There are some CBL scents (or might be in the future) that would certainly have a demand for a collaboration. Like you, I see collaboration between artisans that leverage each otherā€™s strength for the benefit of the wet shaving community as an all around win.

I really like the Asylum fougere but I definitely agree that it is a very different kind of fougere. My nose is not as capable as @BarberDave (he has some formal nasal training...heā€™s a perfumologuy) and I think @NurseDave is also pretty good at detecting different notes. Iā€™m not Dave capable but I was able to get close to the SIR Fougere profile using a bunch of on line fragrance descriptions and a couple of samples @Spider sent me. The one note I keep smelling but canā€™t duplicate properly is a camphor like note.
Sorry to be late to the party Frank, Iā€™ve been following along but not had a good opportunity to respond to what youā€™ve posted here. First, let me say THANK YOU for giving CBL soap a try. I know you have a lot of great soaps at your disposal so trying a new brand is a big deal. I happy to be able to hear what you think about the different CBL soaps, I have a lot of fun making them.

Others have already said it but Iā€™ll say it too, I donā€™t make a CBL brand aftershave. I considered making an aftershave product in matching scents but the honest truth is I have ZERO skills and ZERO knowledge in that area. I would rather offer nothing than to make something inferior or dangerous. I personally enjoy a simple splash of witch hazel, 91% isopropyl, a drizzle of glycerin and a healthy dose of menthol crystals or whatever I have handy. There are some CBL scents (or might be in the future) that would certainly have a demand for a collaboration. Like you, I see collaboration between artisans that leverage each otherā€™s strength for the benefit of the wet shaving community as an all around win.

I really like the Asylum fougere but I definitely agree that it is a very different kind of fougere. My nose is not as capable as @BarberDave (he has some formal nasal training...heā€™s a perfumologuy) and I think @NurseDave is also pretty good at detecting different notes. Iā€™m not Dave capable but I was able to get close to the SIR Fougere profile using a bunch of on line fragrance descriptions and a couple of samples @Spider sent me. The one note I keep smelling but canā€™t duplicate properly is a camphor like note.

Hi Chris
First off Iā€™d again like to thank you for sending me two more soaps than I ordered and Iā€™m glad that you did as I enjoyed all 4 scents. Based on only 2 shaves so far with 2 out of the 4 and both bases
( using a 3rd for todayā€™s shave ) It is my opinion that you make a top tier performing soap! So far it checks all the boxes for me. As far as the Aftershave there are other soap makers that donā€™t offer an Aftershave splash and it certainly doesnā€™t stop people from buying their products. 2 I can think of are MDC & GD. With that said I know their are also a lot of people in the wet shaving community that like to buy matching soap & AS. Personally Iā€™m right in the middle. Some soap scents I like to shave with but wouldnā€™t want to wear it while others I like/love so much I absolutely want to wear it like MDC Fougere for example. Love the scent but I canā€™t wear it because they donā€™t make post shave products. Iā€™ve been on a personal mission to duplicate or get as close as I can to making an AS splash that matches it as close as possible while still using all EOā€™s and other natural ingredients and Iā€™m getting very close. I look at it as a classic Fougere that I want to wear someday so this has been about making it for my own personal use. Whether I put it out there one day will take some more thought.
Another example was when I used your Fresh Lime with the light cooling agent. Wow perfect! I love it and Iā€™d absolutely like to wear that scent and I can see myself reaching for it when the temperatures get really high in the summer is was so refreshing. When a couple of members suggested a collaboration between us that scent immediately popped up in my head again for somewhat selfish reasons lol ! If you ever want to discuss doing something together Iā€™m totally open for all the reasons I mentioned about soap, razor and brush makers working together which Iā€™m glad to see you agree with.

Iā€™ve worked with fragrances for over 27yrs when developing personal care products but itā€™s also been one of my hobbies as well and have spent way to much money on throughout the years.

I can help you with the Camphor note your looking for if youā€™d like to have a chat. Just pm me and we can set up a time that works for both of us.

Iā€™m gonna use the SIR Irish for todayā€™s shave as Iā€™m testing the new Taiga Adjustable razor thatā€™s in a pass around so two new things to try.
Thanks for the response and hopefully we will get a chance to know each other a little better.

@Dragonsbeard The tonsorial fresh lime was made using a blend of lime oil and fragrance oil (mostly actually lime essential oil) and WS5. The difference between actual lime oil and artificial fragrance is quite a lot but you donā€™t notice it until they are side by side.

I have a contact in China who has agreed to send me ā€œsamplesā€ of WS5 in 1 kilo bags instead of the required 55 plastic gallon drum. Since its safe use is measured in ppm I am pleased with that arrangement. It goes faster than you think but if youā€™d like me to send you some I can. When combined with other synthetic agents like the koolada or even real menthol you can get a very unique cooling arc.
Oh dang...Chris is dealing in kilos now! Begin intervention!
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Yeah my kids totally flip when all the DHL and FedEx shipments arrive with big stickers on them saying theyā€™ve been inspected by the feds. My last one from China was cut open and inspected by USDA and CDC then taped shut. They didnā€™t even use the box tops, just cut a big hole along the sides of all the boxes and ripped them open.
@Dragonsbeard The tonsorial fresh lime was made using a blend of lime oil and fragrance oil (mostly actually lime essential oil) and WS5. The difference between actual lime oil and artificial fragrance is quite a lot but you donā€™t notice it until they are side by side.

I have a contact in China who has agreed to send me ā€œsamplesā€ of WS5 in 1 kilo bags instead of the required 55 plastic gallon drum. Since its safe use is measured in ppm I am pleased with that arrangement. It goes faster than you think but if youā€™d like me to send you some I can. When combined with other synthetic agents like the koolada or even real menthol you can get a very unique cooling arc.

Chris thank you for the offer and Iā€™d love to try it as Iā€™ve used another type in a CBD salve but it wasnā€™t cooling enough so we went with menthol crystals and peppermint oil. So your lime is a comb of EO lime oil and a synthetic lime. Well that type of combo works in many products as it also brings more stability to the product and sometimes you can get a great scent out of combining both which you obviously did with the Fresh Lime. If youā€™d like to send me a sample of the scent Iā€™ll make a couple Aftershave Splashes with some good skin food ingredients in it for you to try. I may have to play with the percentage of the WS5 cooling agent so it matches the feel of the soap but it shouldnā€™t be to difficult.

Thank you for the kind offer!

Frank šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ¼
Do I see something like CBL Dragons Crest Aftershaves coming soon?!
