The Shaving Cadre

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CBL Soaps arrived today.


Shave Enthusiast
Artisan Retailer
Well as a new member I want to support the vendors as much as I can and so I ordered two soaps from CBL the Lime with the cooling agent and the Roasted Oatmeal Stout and @CBLindsay Chris sent me a couple more very generous soap samples of the SIR Irish and the SIR Fougere in the Premium base and of course I had to open them up right away and I have to say I like each and every one of the scents. I've always liked anything lime so that was an instant like. The SIR Irish is very fresh and clean. The SIR Fougere is a nice interpretation of a scent that can be all over the place from very green fern like to a Paco Rabanne cologne like scent and everything in between. Chris version is a nice light clean green scent and being the premium base I can't wait to try it. Last but no least is the Roasted Oatmeal Stout and I have to say what a masterpiece of a scent! I love unusual scents and this one took me right there. I was rushing so I didn't have time to sniff away for very long but my nose is pretty decent and I have to say I'm very pleased with all of them and of course I can't wait to try all 4 which I will be doing with my next few shaves.

I"d also like to thank Chris for the extra samples and the note that came with it. Very thoughtful.

I have only tried the Sir Fougere on Tonsorial. Presuming the scent is the same in the premium, you're in for a surprise. When you lather it, the soap really opens up. Not in strength but more in dimensions.

I'd still go with the tonsorial first, but shave #2...
I hope you enjoy the shaves. The Roasted Oatmeal Stout is a very popular scent for sure and one that seems to perform well too.

Thanks Chris
I can understand why it’s popular. It’s a very well put together unique scent. I have the Lime all ready to go for tonight’s shave as I’m using the Start razor in a pas around so stoked up to try the soap.

An thanks again for the 2 samples!

Thanks Chris
I can understand why it’s popular. It’s a very well put together unique scent. I have the Lime all ready to go for tonight’s shave as I’m using the Start razor in a pas around so stoked up to try the soap.

An thanks again for the 2 samples!

Do you have the Taiga or the 3 piece set Frank? I follow you with the Taiga I believe so if that you could put that lid in there too when done. No hurry as I have the Envoy at the moment.
Do you have the Taiga or the 3 piece set Frank? I follow you with the Taiga I believe so if that you could put that lid in there too when done. No hurry as I have the Envoy at the moment.

Yes you follow me Dave and I’ll make sure to put it in with the razor.

The Taiga is on its way to me and I should get it Monday afternoon.
Well I had my night shave with the CBL Fresh Lime in the Tonsorial base and I gotta say I really like the combo of the lime and cooling agent. Very light and Fresh describes the way I felt using it and based on memory I'd say this is the best Lime that I've ever tried. I enjoyed the base a lot as well. Lathered up very nicely and quickly as well and in fact I think I loaded a little to long not knowing the soap as I had more than plenty of soap for the 2 passes I did. Unfortunately I can't say the same for the razor I used. It's the Start razor from Russia and this was the 4th shave I have had with it using all 4 baseplates and this time I used a new Polsilver blade in it hoping for a better shave than the last three. This was the .90 OC and out of all 4 plates it was the best out of the 4 for me. I mentioned this before about the razor. It's got a very nice finish on it. It has good balance and decent maneuverability to it and fairly smooth with a bit of blade feel which I don't mind but for some reason I just can't connect with this razor because for me it was lacking what I call " Mojo " which is something that some razors just don't have while others do and I usually know it within a few strokes. I wanted to like it and doing 4 shaves with it I was hoping it would grow on me but it never happened so I packed it up for the next person on the pass around list. I ended up with a 2 pass DFS and I was on 2 days growth and I did a WTG and ATG pass.

Getting back to the soap which was the best part of this shave for me. Lather was slick and I did have to add some water a few times but I think I overloaded the brush not being familiar with the soap and I should have stopped swirling at 30 seconds which I thought about but continued to 45 seconds. So I had way more soap on the brush than I needed for the 2 passes. Adding water a few drops at a time it really started to thin down a little bit but it still was a nice dense lather which is just the way I like my lather and it worked really well with my Paladin brush. Slickness was very good and post shave as well and so a few hrs after my shave my skin feels really nice. I used a AS I made myself a couple of years ago that's citrus forward and it paired well with the soap sent and I may have to throw a bit of the synthetic cooling agent in the AS splash and a little more lime and they would make a good couple or if CBL as the AS of this scent I'll probably just order that. I haven't checked the site for AS's yet. All and all I've heard nothing but good things about this brand and it certainly lived up to its reputation as a great shaving soap and I can't wait to try the Premium base just to compare to the Tonsorial base. Also next shave I'll use a razor more to my liking as I have a feeling I'm going to have a what I call an overall good shaving experience.

So glad I tired this brand and I'll have to pass the news on to some of my shaving buddies who may not of used CBL before.

Thanks again Chris for the samples.
