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Camping and RVing thread

We had a pop-up for about a year and we were full time RVers for 18 months. RVs are fun but we're back to a tent right now.
Kind of sad to see the tent trailer go we made a lot of good memories with that trailer.

By the way. I know a guy selling one if ya want it...
Sorry, but that ain't camping. As the title says, I suppose it's RVing. But derinitely not camping. There are some requirements in my book for camping. You have to sleep in a tent, or under the stars or in a lean to. You have to cook your food either on the campfire or on a gas, white gas, propane, butane or other portable device used to make a fire with which to heat food. And REAL camping is when you get to your campsite under your own power, either by foot, canoe, rowboat, guideboat. moutain bike. even a road bike. You either carry your stuff or paddle your stuff or pedal your stuff there. I'm getting militant because I'm in a bad mood. Nothing you guys have said. Visited some other forum (not shaving) and thre was some ugly stuff going on there. So, my apologies if my tone is sounding antagonistic. Not trying to pick on you Chad. But camping has been on my mind because with the 'Rona going around and squashing all sorts of plans, I'm now beginning to see how I can head to the North Country for some camping. It's been a few years and I need to get back to my roots. My roots were backpacking and canoe camping. Where you had to hang your food in between two trees at night about 50 to 100 yards from where you sleep and a minimum of 15 feet in the bears can't get at it. Or more recently you put your food in a bear cannister because over the years bears have gotten smart. They learned that if they smell food hanging in the air, you go to the nearest tree, swipe at the trunk and food magically falls from the sky. You can burn it if it will burn. But nothing can be left in the fire pit other than ashes. No charded remains of food. And if it won't burn, you gotta carry it out. You know, real wilderness camping where if you carry it in, you carry it out. Leave no trace and all that. Ok. Rant is done. I feel better now. Enjoy the RV Chad. It sounds fun. And I mean that. ;)
Sorry, but that ain't camping. As the title says, I suppose it's RVing. But derinitely not camping. There are some requirements in my book for camping. You have to sleep in a tent, or under the stars or in a lean to. You have to cook your food either on the campfire or on a gas, white gas, propane, butane or other portable device used to make a fire with which to heat food. And REAL camping is when you get to your campsite under your own power, either by foot, canoe, rowboat, guideboat. moutain bike. even a road bike. You either carry your stuff or paddle your stuff or pedal your stuff there. I'm getting militant because I'm in a bad mood. Nothing you guys have said. Visited some other forum (not shaving) and thre was some ugly stuff going on there. So, my apologies if my tone is sounding antagonistic. Not trying to pick on you Chad. But camping has been on my mind because with the 'Rona going around and squashing all sorts of plans, I'm now beginning to see how I can head to the North Country for some camping. It's been a few years and I need to get back to my roots. My roots were backpacking and canoe camping. Where you had to hang your food in between two trees at night about 50 to 100 yards from where you sleep and a minimum of 15 feet in the bears can't get at it. Or more recently you put your food in a bear cannister because over the years bears have gotten smart. They learned that if they smell food hanging in the air, you go to the nearest tree, swipe at the trunk and food magically falls from the sky. You can burn it if it will burn. But nothing can be left in the fire pit other than ashes. No charded remains of food. And if it won't burn, you gotta carry it out. You know, real wilderness camping where if you carry it in, you carry it out. Leave no trace and all that. Ok. Rant is done. I feel better now. Enjoy the RV Chad. It sounds fun. And I mean that. ;)

I've only camped how you describe a couple of times... Well that extreme. Really enjoy the tent and the tent trailer. As mentioned in the video for the RV I seriously don't even know if the tv works. We don't plan on using it. Camping to us is a way to get away from the real world shut off the phone and let the kids play outside. My wife just requires a real toilet. So here we are lol. Camping with full hookups will be a rarity for us.

Serious man it's older a 2002 but in really good shape. If my cousin doesn't but it tomorrow when they come to look at it and you're serious let me know. We have two price points one for KSL and one for family or friends... You would fall in the latter being a cadre man
I've only camped how you describe a couple of times... Well that extreme. Really enjoy the tent and the tent trailer. As mentioned in the video for the RV I seriously don't even know if the tv works. We don't plan on using it. Camping to us is a way to get away from the real world shut off the phone and let the kids play outside. My wife just requires a real toilet. So here we are lol. Camping with full hookups will be a rarity for us.

I went camping the way I described with the wife all of one time. We did the cnoe thing. Now, whenver the subject of camping comes up, the only thing I hear from her is "Been there, done that." But my son loves it. So, we've done the canoe camping thing. Rent a canoe, paddle for about an hour to a reserved tent site on an island. Anywhere between 1 and 5 sites per island, depending on the size of the island. You never know there are other people on the island unless they go exploring the island and stroll by. At night you just hear the loons. I suppose a wolf might howl as well. One of my favorite things to do in life. And of course, you have to bring along some of your favorite libation. It makes story telling aorund the campfire as you look out at the lake and see billions and billions of stars overhead that much more rewarding. Everyone should enjoy getting out and communing with mother nature. Enjoy it Chad.
Serious man it's older a 2002 but in really good shape. If my cousin doesn't but it tomorrow when they come to look at it and you're serious let me know. We have two price points one for KSL and one for family or friends... You would fall in the latter being a cadre man
Thanks! If your cousin doesn't buy it I'll look into it.

Speaking of camping, I can't wait to get away for a few days. We haven't been to Escalante since the kids were little. We need to go back to Calf Creek Falls.
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RV style camping is a wonderful style to cover many more miles with small children. They will have more room to move around in relative safety and comfort. Do please take some time practicing maneuvering around in narrow streets and parking and T-style turn-arounds. Those extra feet will indeed make a huge difference. Almost like driving a school bus. I would establish rules very early on with your children to remain seated at all times unless using the loo. (This will also come in handy during future pregnancies). The dinette is an ideal area for that. Secure traveling pets in a travel kennel if they will tolerate it. Otherwise they sometimes become quite stressed with the vibrations of the vehicle and ‘accidents’ can occur. Particularly cats (did it).
Personally I believe your timing is perfect for the kids to experience a different part of the country that would not be possible in the mini-van. Well done Chad.
Do please take some time practicing maneuvering around in narrow streets and parking and T-style turn-arounds. Those extra feet will indeed make a huge difference.
Yes. Those Type C's have a long distance between the rear axle and the back bumper, so watch out for the tail swing. I destroyed my neighbor's mailbox with that mistake when practicing pulling my fifth wheel.
Well the Tent trailer is practically all but sold. Accepted a deposit yesterday, and cleaner our gear out yesterday. A nice family will pick it up on Friday once they are back in town. I am happy it is going to a young family that will be able to get their kids in the great outdoors.

On to ours well we have the motorhome loaded up, and my wife has organized the inside. We leave Saturday to head up to a state park and we are all excited. I will be taking the motorhome over the the gas station tomorrow as it is at half a tank, this trip might scare me... well I know it will scare me! Then to find a place that will fill the propane tank as it is at 2/3. We come home Tuesday afternoon, and then head out again on Friday! We are ready to roll!
Should be a good road trip. Have fun!

Last time we went camping was tent camping from a motorcycle. Good times.