The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #8---Rules, Sign-up, and Therapy

So the last few comments haven’t made me feel any better....

Nothing to fear my friend.

It is the new year so let's start out simple, something you can't miss.....

Something to think about..

The rest will be posted by the end of the day.

Have fun!!!!
Well, I have one of the two that I see. Three hits already KJ? Now who's cheating?
I see 2 calls so far and got zero hits. You would think since I was the guy that let the Monkey win he would at least throw me a bone for some calls.
All three are out there some where. I hope I didn't insult you by making things so easy. Even the 4th bonus call is pretty simple.
Okay, remember that the calls can be in any post from today. Remember this is an easy warm up day.