The Shaving Cadre

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BINGO GAME #54 - Zoom Zoom Bingo Bingo!!!

C'mon Folks Sign up! you don't have to have a camera to join the Zoom Bingo just a mic ( a camera helps) but it will be a most Excellent Game, and we are all going to wear Black and Orange!
All players wearing Black and Orange will be penalized two full Bingo calls at the start of the game and one full bingo call each 10 minutes that the offending colors are displayed.
All players wearing Black and Orange will be penalized two full Bingo calls at the start of the game and one full bingo call each 10 minutes that the offending colors are displayed.
ummm you want to re-think that there Sparky?


Zoom God and his partner Dave... Not to mention Amazon has two-day delivery so that means at least 3 packages could Arrive.... Just saying
ummm you want to re-think that there Sparky?


Zoom God and his partner Dave... Not to mention Amazon has two-day delivery so that means at least 3 packages could Arrive.... Just saying
I would refer you to rule #11. It does not include a part about the players with ownership privileges overriding the rules all willy nilly just to be annoying to the caller.
I am doing something with my Dad this sunday. If I am back on time I will join in and play. If I am not sadly I will need to bow out.
I would refer you to rule #11. It does not include a part about the players with ownership privileges overriding the rules all willy nilly just to be annoying to the caller.
That can be amended at the ownership’s discretion we shall call it Rule #11 part A.1. “The Steven Rule”
Since you have not made arrangements for all the Amazon stuff you may be getting if you continue on this path of Orangeblackpalooza. We could send you so much stuff that from space the city would look like a pumpkin. It could be arranged to also contact the Sphere and have them make it a large 5 Billiard ball, and finally it is the Halloween season and a case of harvest candy corn, as well as jack-o-lanterns

Care to quit while you are ahead?
Candy Corns is going to be his dancer name in the retirement home.
Candy corn is an excellent candy.... for one month out of the year. we currently have 5 players for the Zoom Zoom Bingo game. I have sent those players their cards. I will have extra but once the game gets started...I won't be able to send any others out. So....anyone else?

@Fenster ?
Or maybe I just signed up for zoom and not bingo? I don't know, I am confused . 🤣