Ok. Since all shots are away, time to see how the rest of your shots would’ve faired had card 16 not won on the first call of the round.
1. BarberDave - G46
0 hits/2 misses ; result Spider wins
2. Fenster - N41
1 hit/ 2 misses ; nothing changes
3. Scuttlesoap - I24
1 hit/1 miss ; Card 020 eliminated from the game (
@GearNoir )
4. Quijote - I19
1 hit/2 misses; Card 16 submarine is sunk
5. GearNoir - B9
1 hit/1 miss; Card 7 is now 15/16 misses
6. Heysi - O68
(Presumably Steven would’ve called I23 here had not Jaro already, and would’ve won the game)
2 hits/ 1 miss; Card 024 eliminated from the game (
@Scuttlesoap )
7. Spider - N45
(Presumably KJ would’ve called G46, trying to win, winning if Steven had relied on Jimmy’s call and not called I23 himself.)
1 hit / 2 misses; Card 3 submarine is sunk (
8. Jaro1069 - I23
0 hits / 5 misses; Card 7 16/16 misses (
@heysi wins depending on how KJ made his call, as described above)