The Shaving Cadre

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Baseball rules

You only score a point when a runner crosses home plate. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base are just steps to get there. Each at-bat a player tries to get around as many bases as he can trying to get to home plate. If he makes it to first, yet still has time to get to 2nd or third he can try. This will leave the bases behind him empty, which is a good thing, because his isn’t forced to move to the next base when the next batter hits, if it might present a dangerous situation , and he escapes being forced out by someone getting the ball and tagging the base in front of him, he would need to be tagged directly to get out.

Thank you ! :) I got it (y)
I think my biggest question is why all the effort in learning one of the most boring sports ever? Really it’s just two dudes playing catch for 3 hours. N36
I think my biggest question is why all the effort in learning one of the most boring sports ever? Really it’s just two dudes playing catch for 3 hours. N36

For me is interesting, but hear, a lot of americans really think, that baseball is boring. Maybe for that american football is more watched according statistics...
Are kids in USA play baseball, or prefer other sports?
For me is interesting, but hear, a lot of americans really think, that baseball is boring. Maybe for that american football is more watched according statistics...
Are kids in USA play baseball, or prefer other sports?
I think kids are more into playing soccer than ever before. I don’t have any official statistics.
For me is interesting, but hear, a lot of americans really think, that baseball is boring. Maybe for that american football is more watched according statistics...
Are kids in USA play baseball, or prefer other sports?
I think that really depends where you grow up. In the Midwest football is a big deal. I hear of folks that don’t even have kids in high school going to watch the games. Mercy, that has to show you how boring living there must be. Up in the frozen north you get pockets of ice hockey. On the West Coast I think soccer is more popular than in some other areas. And then you have lacrosse that I think is more popular on the east.
Soccer is number 1 sport in Europe, but honestly, I never liked it. Whatever, professional players get good salaries.