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Baseball rules


Hello friends,

as native european, I am not very familiar with baseball, except basic rules, which I read from wikipedia. Of course, there are many different situations in games, which sometimes really confuse me. I have few questions to you:


1) I marked the score table with red rectangle for scores, which are called balls (bad balls), and with green rectangle for strikes (good balls) from pitcher to catcher. Am I right?
2) I saw few times the batter hits the ball, in process of game, and scores haven`t changed. In which cases this happens?
3) with 2 bases and runners on them, the batter can`t hit the ball, and catcher missed to catch it, but the offensive team won 3rd base?

I watch the games via youtube recorded, so I may miss something..

Without a doubt this is very interesting game, but not very easy to understand for beginners without a teacher :)

Thanks in advance !
Ah... Baseball America's past time!

I marked the score table with red rectangle for scores, which are called balls (bad balls), and with green rectangle for strikes (good balls) from pitcher to catcher. Am I right?

Yup you are right. 4 balls you get a free base, 3 strikes you are OUT!

I saw few times the batter hits the ball, in process of game, and scores haven`t changed. In which cases this happens?

The runners on base must advance to home plate without getting out in order for a run to score. Hence why one strategy is to put your BEST hitter at 4th in the batting order. The theory is if batters 1-3 all get a hit and get on base. When the SLUGGER gets up and hopefully hits a homerum then all 4 score at once which is calleda grand slam.

with 2 bases and runners on them, the batter can`t hit the ball, and catcher missed to catch it, but the offensive team won 3rd base?

Not exactly sure what scenario you are talking about but I am wondering if you are referring to where the batter already had two strikes. If this is true and he swings makes contact with the ball but it goes FOUL and the cathcer made contact with the ball but did NOT catch it, then the batter can try to advance to third base. IF you are watching on youtube could post a link with a time for what you are talking about?
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1)Hate to disagree but Chad may have misunderstood. The Red is the strikes and the green is the balls as you highlighted them
2) Batter can hit, but he has to work his way around the bases to score before a change in the score will happen.
3) Perhaps describing a stealing of a base

I may be "Off Base" and misunderstood the questions though
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I’m pretty sure visual listings go balls - strikes - outs (if they aren’t listed separately)?
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Dude, Chad and everyone but Dave is right. 🤷‍♂️

In that case, Please disregard anything I've this thread 🤪

still think he was describing a steal in number3.......................................
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Wait a second another Dave has to admit I am right?! SWEET I get to update my Signature!
Chad is never right he just lives in a delusionary state. We feed him peanut butter, whiskey, and coffee ice cream to keep him sedated. A snickers every once in awhile after one of his “postings” LOL
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Chad is never right he just lives in a delusionary state. We feed him peanut butter, whiskey, and coffee ice cream to keep him sedated. A snickers every once in awhile after one of his “postings” LOL

Speaking of peanut butter!
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#3–Runner advances on passed ball(catcher miss). This cannot be a foul tip off the bat.
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