STARDATE: AD:20180604-SR Shave #941
Pre-Shave Lather / Hot Towel & Rinse / 15 Laps TM linen / 50 laps TM Strop
Post-Shave: Lucky Tiger Aftershave Salve / Cold Towel & Rinse
30-laps Trans-Ark Hone / 25 Higgins English Linen / 50 Westholme Fast Draw
Feather DX Kamisori
Feather Pro-Guard (1)
Sorrentino "Luca Brasi" / Envy Silvertip
THB Lavender Creeper Shave Soap
THB Lavender Creeper Aftershave Splash.
Wow, two full days without shaving. For me that is a record, but lately it seems there are not enough hours in the day all of a sudden. I did not realize how much stuff was being neglected during the regular career, only for it to become a log jam now. slowly working through it all. Today we are heading to 108 degrees, so something ice cold was needed to counteract the surface of the sun.
The Creeper of course! I also had not used by Kami since it's return from a vacation to see Don, so loaded up with a fresh Pro-Guard, away we went. Not much else to say on the Lavender Creeper that was not covered by Josh's fantastic review. He nailed it. This is just fantastic stuff, and again, too bad it wont be produced again, and the scalpers are already trying to take advantage. On a recent search some bonehead was selling a set for $700.00. , and he will probably get it.
So the lather was stellar, as was the shave, and of course the creeping up and a smack of frozen goodness. 3-passes today and DSBBS, finished off with the cold lavender goodness of the splash, and a few dotties of the same for fragrance, another perfect combo for the summer that showed up WAAY to early this year.
Again, sorry for getting sooo behind on your journals, will attempt to rectify that today or tomorrow.
Have a GREAT day