The Shaving Cadre

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Anyone else notice a difference around here lately ??


TSC's Cheerleader
Hello all..
As the title states has anyone else here noticed a difference in all of us latey?? The vibe feels different for some reason.
There used to be all kinds of different conversations going on and people constantly joking around and whatnot.
Now it seems like everyone has became ultra serious and pops in for a few minutes makes a quick what I used today post and then leaves.
I can't put my finger on it but it just seems different..
People don't seem to hang around and anymore chit-chat....
Hello all..
As the title states has anyone else here noticed a difference in all of us latey?? The vibe feels different for some reason.
There used to be all kinds of different conversations going on and people constantly joking around and whatnot.
Now it seems like everyone has became ultra serious and pops in for a few minutes makes a quick what I used today post and then leaves.
I can't put my finger on it but it just seems different..
People don't seem to hang around and anymore chit-chat....
Live has been so consuming since Covid hit. Can't wait for things to calm down.

Jump in to the bingo game. There is going to be a bunch of friendly chatter.
We also generally do two Zoom calls per week as well, each lasting a few hours. That might be taking the place of some conversations that would normally be posts. Also, as Monkey-John said, Covid is making everything tougher on just about everyone.
I know covid is affecting people but look back over almost the last year since it started and it wasnt until the last few months that things seem to have changed here.. I know about the zoom vid calls but with the 3 kids and everything i just dont seem to ever be able to join.. Well maybe at some point things will seem normal again and I look forward to that day......Until then I will just keep trudging along.. Have a great one everyone...
You make a good point @Jaro1069 and it might be a lot of things. I know for me there is a lot going on. I try to keep the conversations going, but other times I can't even get on line. There are a lot of people active in the Health threads, so maybe that is part of it. I'll try to get some good fun going when I can.
im trying too. but even things like the movie twist that we used to do no one is really doing now.. we used to go through the whole 13 in a day and now it might be once a month. I mean stuff where we used to just joke and play seems to get ignored now. its kind of sad really.....
im trying too. but even things like the movie twist that we used to do no one is really doing now.. we used to go through the whole 13 in a day and now it might be once a month. I mean stuff where we used to just joke and play seems to get ignored now. its kind of sad really.....
The movie thread tends to get stuck quite often. It goes in spurts.

I find creating new threads on different subjects and topics sometimes engages people. But these are strange times...I wouldn't worry too much about it. Things around here tend to come around.
im trying too. but even things like the movie twist that we used to do no one is really doing now.. we used to go through the whole 13 in a day and now it might be once a month. I mean stuff where we used to just joke and play seems to get ignored now. its kind of sad really.....
Feels like a lot of the bantering action is going on in the journaling threads and not the others non-member specific ones. Bit still feels like a lot of banter.
There was a lot of chatter when Don had a baby on the way. Don? Ready for #2?
...mood music plays quietly in the background as Dave with glass of vino in hand walks to the front door...through the glass of the front door he sees a box..."odd" Dave says to himself..."I wasn't expecting a parcel"...Dave opens the door and picks up the smallish size box..."smells like fertilizer and diesel fuel"....5,000 miles away Don thinks to himself...FTFY.... :p
I guess what I noticed was it seemed like people were more reserved in their banter.... Now after joining the Bingo game for the first time I have noticed that the banter is still alive but its just more thread specific... People joke around and talk its just a little less general oriented.... Also it could have had a lot to do with my recently just having that blah feeling about everything.. In the last few months the times I have posted about shaves have been the only times I have indulged in our hobby. I just haven't really felt like shaving so I haven't.. There are times when I have had to shave other than the posted and all I've done is grab the old Phillips norelco one blade and run over my face for a general smooth appearance. No brush , no soap , nothing other than the quick razor followed by WH and a plain alcohol splash.. I don't know if my general feeling has to do with the fact that I think I now have winter allergies also which I didn't have before and its been causing some aches and pains I didn't have before.. Also as was stated by another here everything going on in our worlds isn't helping.. There just seems like a/n uncertain dread in our world currently that I just can't shake.. I know I don't need to feel like this but I just can't help it...I'm stuck in a rut and just can't seem to find my way out.... I know I'm rambling but honestly this is the first time I've said all this out loud even if its just typing it....honestly I think joining @The Monkey current bingo game is helping me some. I just want everything to get better if not for me then at least for my kids and for you.. I know our world / country will never be the same as it was this time last year but I have to at least have hope !! There's so much more I want to say but I've rambled enough......
Being around forums these things go in spurts. There is more traffic than ever. It's just a matter of making new content. Have an idea of a topic? Post away! Easiest way to get people posting.

Looking at data traffic is up. Posting is only down like 3% over 2 months.
I agree with what you're saying I guess its just people seem more reserved than they did. I see also that there have been a lot of new members joining lately and that is Great but I guess maybe a lot of those new members and some of the old ones too seem more selective in their post joking which in itself is not a bad thing about reading before you post. God knows I wish I had checked some of my post before I posted them.. I mean right now with this post I'm currently writting I'm worried about publishing it because of the fear of offending anyone.. I think some of the newer members may have came from previously repressed forums and just aren't engaging in some of the crazy antics that some of us here partake in and that's sad because people here should be able to be open and enjoy themselves because that's something I have always liked about here... Yes I even enjoy the crazy antics of "The Dave's" :) Sometimes....
Take that back!
No. 🤪 :LOL:. Even as sadistic as I have heard these games can be I'm actually enjoying the banter from it.... I have missed being able to be a part of it.... Like this!! Also..Thanks you made me smile....Honestly After everything I have wrote this morning I needed to laugh to stop the tears....