The Shaving Cadre

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Pick your Health Goal Two Month Challenge

This week has not been great for me. Haven’t been able to do anything. Hoping to recharge over the weekend and try again Monday.
Yesterday i dropped gma off at the chiropracters then did an hour walk while i waited for her, then dropped her off at the local diner and headed to the mall to look at some fragrances. did about another 45 mins of walking between department stores. did another session of hot yoga to finish the day off. may or may not take to day off as a recovery day.
Monday was chest day, and I managed to get back up to my old working weight. But next week the diet starts, and bench is always the first to suffer. But I can tell my technique has really improved a lot over the last couple of years, and the reps were very calm, and no bouncing off the chest, so calling it a win.
Finally some sun and warmth and yesterday's leg session felt good. I love leg day, I'm weird.
Back today, and trying to give all the clueless but energetic teens some bench tips. Leg drive boys, leg drive!

Minor ankle tweak in ballet on Tues, but doesn't seem to be anything major, thankfully.
decided to do some hot yoga last night. did an hours worth, very light soreness but other than that feeling pretty good. prbly gonna take today off and start up again tomorrow.
Sorry I have been absent this week guys. Work has been busy. I will post more about my week in a bit. But I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you guys participating in this challenge.

Oh yeah...I decided that for this month's prize I will be giving away a $25 gift card to Sterling Soap in support of @Joe Hackett 's support of TSC. HOWEVER! If a participant is from outside the US, then I will arrange an alternate prize.
Also if there is anyone else who want to get in on this...there is no better time than the present. While not eligible for the May prize. If you sign up before will be eligible for the June prize.
This week was not as great as I would have liked. Got one session of resistance training in and two cardio sessions. This likely won't do much for me in the long run. But I got in the gym. My schedule for work changes up again at work this week. In the long run this is a good thing. Shorter will cut my commute from three hours total a day to probably around an hour to an hour and 15 minutes total daily commute time. But for this throws a monkey wrench into my goals. But I will make do. Monday and Wed I have the long commute. Tuesday and Thursday I have a shorter commute. Friday I work from home. I just need to adjust some things to get my workouts in.

I know everyone here has their goals and ideas of what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. I will offer this tid-bit to you . Do what you can to create a habit. Then stick to it. Consistency is what will give you results.

Thanks again for participating in this challenge. If any of the following have not made their post for the week, then try to do so by the end of today!

did another hot yoga session today for an hour, took the rest of the day kinda easy. had a cheat day as well, got some pizza from the local pizza joint. so while i didnt eat all that well today i did still get my workout in.
I realized I need to pivot this week. Our kitchen is going to be remodeled next week, so I'll train and eat more or less normally, and then start the diet when we're back in our flat. It should be a week for the majority of the work.
I realized I need to pivot this week. Our kitchen is going to be remodeled next week, so I'll train and eat more or less normally, and then start the diet when we're back in our flat. It should be a week for the majority of the work.
As long as it’s 100 pivots each side (back and forth counting as one pivot), you should be good.
I realized I need to pivot this week. Our kitchen is going to be remodeled next week, so I'll train and eat more or less normally, and then start the diet when we're back in our flat. It should be a week for the majority of the work.
Good luck on the remodel. I just did that last summer. I took the old cabinets out and ended up replacing half of my wall in the corner. Had to run all new wiring and plumbing. Took Chrissy and I almost 6 hours to get the old floor tile up because it was glued down so bad, and had to reframe another wall to fix the 6 inches out of square problem...
Bad part about us doing it ourselves, but also good I guess because now I know everything is done right and not skipped over.
Oh... and I did get a couple workouts in this weekend along with a lot of "heavy lifting " having the grandbaby! Little munchkin has gone from 4 pounds 3 ounces to 8 pounds 4 ounces in 7 weeks!
did a 1 hour unheated yoga session today at the local yoga studio. tried to take it a bit easier today. ate better than i did yesterday. had a few grilled burgers on sourdough to break my fast around 3ish. then had a smoked pork chop, a stuffed pablano with chicken and cheese and a small salad with some homemade blue cheese dressing. i think my biggest hiccup right know in weight loss is getting the eating down right. will continue to work on it though.
Good luck on the remodel. I just did that last summer. I took the old cabinets out and ended up replacing half of my wall in the corner. Had to run all new wiring and plumbing. Took Chrissy and I almost 6 hours to get the old floor tile up because it was glued down so bad, and had to reframe another wall to fix the 6 inches out of square problem...
Bad part about us doing it ourselves, but also good I guess because now I know everything is done right and not skipped over.
Thanks Shawn. Part of me would be happy to do it myself, but the way things work here, I'm happy we contracted it all out. In general contracting is a notch or two less sketchy here, but I never trust anyone to do it right.
did a 1 hour unheated yoga session today at the local yoga studio. tried to take it a bit easier today. ate better than i did yesterday. had a few grilled burgers on sourdough to break my fast around 3ish. then had a smoked pork chop, a stuffed pablano with chicken and cheese and a small salad with some homemade blue cheese dressing. i think my biggest hiccup right know in weight loss is getting the eating down right. will continue to work on it though.
How are you approaching getting the eating down right?
Yesterday I didn't get up early to work out, so I worked out after I got home from work. Actually felt pretty good. Luckily it wasn't a long work day, so I wasn't already tired when I got home. Restarted my 5x5 since I took a week off. Really need to stick with it now.