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Yummly thermometer - anyone have any experience or thoughts?


Shave Enthusiast
i got a yummly therm back early this year as a gift. never got a chance to use it until today? just started a pork chop cook and other than making sure the batteries in the dock and therm are good to go, it looks like a really nice addition to the kitchen.

i never used it because i also have a couple thermoworks therms like a DOT, smoke, and a thermapen and totally forgot it was hanging up on the wall near the oven...

anyone using something like this or meater, etc?
i had the DOT in one chop going at same time as yummly in another. first go with Yummly was about 15 degress too high from both DOT and thermapen check. but way convenient and if i can get it to temp correctly, by making sure it's inserted correctly (this issue is a softball of a source immature jokes.. Ha!) , i think the tip may have originally been hitting bone and not inserted far enough in..

the probe does internal and ambient and the app is super striaghtforward.

apparently it can do multiple probes in one app but at msrp, thats a huge amount of cash for the convenience. but a lot easier to manage than wired probes.
Is it the photo, or is the probe as girthy as it looks? It makes a big difference into ease of insertion etc… (Teeing it up for someone here)

Yeah.. this topic is ripe for jokes

And yes it is compared to my ThermoWorks probes. I had no issue with it and the pork chop insertion.