The Shaving Cadre

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Your Tool of Choice? SR, SE or DE

It seems as I get to know this forum a lot of shavers on the Cadre are Straight Razor users. I own two but have basically retired them. As an everyday man, I don't have the time commitment to master the skill, plus maintain the equipment.

I appreciate them as pieces of art. Respect the history and nostalgia of the straight but really don't have the time in the day. I For the same reason, I don't play golf.

I love a great DE and find they provide equal satisfaction in the quality of shave I get and as an artistic tool.

What say you?
I think my Feather AC shavette is my most favorite right now, but only by a small margin. I really do enjoy using each of my razors and don’t have a favorite of any style, they all provide a good, enjoyable shave; I do use the shavette/DE combo most days merely out of habit.
I'm in the exact same boat as Sharp's. Have a stable of straights retired for the same reasoning. DE is my daily choice now but enjoyed the SE I played with recently on loan from Josh
Per the record of my shaves this year, I'm fairly well spread out across the three platforms. Though that's only if you consider the SS a straight (DE:107 SE:89 Str:109 Cart:3)

Obviously I find reasons to like all three. Though I find I can get the closest shave of the bunch from the SE. If I wasn't trying to get my straight skills down, all those shaves would switch over the to SE. My DE shaves have been bumped up by getting several razors to try and then buying a few new ones I wanted to get some use with.
Per the record of my shaves this year, I'm fairly well spread out across the three platforms. Though that's only if you consider the SS a straight (DE:107 SE:89 Str:109 Cart:3)

Obviously I find reasons to like all three. Though I find I can get the closest shave of the bunch from the SE. If I wasn't trying to get my straight skills down, all those shaves would switch over the to SE. My DE shaves have been bumped up by getting several razors to try and then buying a few new ones I wanted to get some use with.

I have heard that about an SE and yet don't seem interested in making the move.
I keep telling myself my goal is to find the ultimate shave package and use that exclusively. Tried that when I had some Traderes for about 3 years. The repetitiveness just sucked the life out of the shave and quality went down.
\n\nI have heard that about an SE and yet don\'t seem interested in making the move. \nI keep telling myself my goal is to find the ultimate shave package and use that exclusively. Tried that when I had some Traderes for about 3 years. The repetitiveness just sucked the life out of the shave and quality went down.
\nYes, it\'s a funny thing. You can find the combo that gives you just the perfect shave with no irritation and for most of us we\'d go nut just getting that every single day. The variety by definition means you\'re trading something in performance from time to time just to have something different.
Yes, it's a funny thing. You can find the combo that gives you just the perfect shave with no irritation and for most of us we'd go nut just getting that every single day. The variety by definition means you're trading something in performance from time to time just to have something different.

Unless you’re Geofatboy and any razor that touches your face seems to melt the whiskers off perfectly every time.
I am in the DE camp only at this time. I have not tried anything else, though comments about Best Shaves Ever with a single edge have me curious, like GearNoir. And like NurseDave says, I should be happy with great shaves daily. And yet I wonder, will this other blade, razor, soap, or brush make things even Better?! So I try to be content with a solid set up, and try to limit explorations to something reasonable to me and my situation. Right now, the CB Karve razor with several plates is performing great. My soaps are really good, and I try to limit purchases to when I have finished one first. I cheated recently, given that I bought a tub from CBL Premium Soaps when the seldom seen "soap donut" appeared in my Shannon's Soaps Nil. I do not regret that at all! For the foreseeable future, I plan to stick with the DE razors (3) that I have now.
I use all of the above as the mood strikes. I prefer DEs, but also get really great shaves from some SEs. I also like shaving with SRs, but my technique with them is lacking due to infrequency of use.
I use all of the above as the mood strikes. I prefer DEs, but also get really great shaves from some SEs. I also like shaving with SRs, but my technique with them is lacking due to infrequency of use.

I should have made ATA as one of the options. Duh .. eh ya live you learn.
I am in the DE camp only at this time. I have not tried anything else, though comments about Best Shaves Ever with a single edge have me curious, like GearNoir. And like NurseDave says, I should be happy with great shaves daily. And yet I wonder, will this other blade, razor, soap, or brush make things even Better?!
I'll say it's probably one of those what you don't know type of things. I had gotten BBS shaves with a DE and thought that was the end of the line in terms of closeness. Then I tried a SE and found another level of closeness and and then mirror smooth being possible with the RX. But as Don mentioned in another thread about soaps, at that point you're just splitting hairs.
I primarily us DE razors. But I have also dabbled in others. I am trying to become more versed in straights...but seem to be procrastinating on that front.
I literally can not vote in this thread due to the fact that i have no idea what I am going to use when i walk into the den. I get the closest shaves with SE razors but find the SR more zen like and the DE gets me at minimum DFS without thinking about it. I guess if I have to vote I am a SE camper.
I literally can not vote in this thread due to the fact that i have no idea what I am going to use when i walk into the den. I get the closest shaves with SE razors but find the SR more zen like and the DE gets me at minimum DFS without thinking about it. I guess if I have to vote I am a SE camper.

You can pick more than one. I made the mistake of not making All as an option.
I use them all, but I always revert back to DE. DEs by far get the longest stretch of use before I dabble into anything else. From a purely aesthetic view, I love SEs better. I love collecting GEMs and Ever-Readys more than Gillettes, but I use the Gillettes far more often. I'm hoping after the New Year to devote more time to the Straight Razors and get into every aspect of them including honing.
I'm new to this so my vote maybe shouldn't count, but I wanted to add my 2 cents. I was given a shavette as a pif when I first joined the Cadre many months ago. I've used it a few times & won't use it again for a long time! I haven't used an SE. I use DE every day. I like de & will stick with those for now. Ask me in 2 months & I might have a different answer, but for now, I'm 100% in the DE camp.
I go back and forth between DEs and the AC style SE razors. Both give me good results, although the closest shaves probably come from SEs (the Rx in particular, but it also requires the most care).

I have approximately 150 shaves with a traditional straight razor and am relatively proficient. For awhile I thought straights were going to be my sole method of shaving. However, I've come to prefer the convenience and lack of maintenance that the DE and SE platforms provide. With the weather getting colder and me spending more time indoors, I might pick up the straights and honing again...
I'm new to this so my vote maybe shouldn't count, but I wanted to add my 2 cents. I was given a shavette as a pif when I first joined the Cadre many months ago. I've used it a few times & won't use it again for a long time! I haven't used an SE. I use DE every day. I like de & will stick with those for now. Ask me in 2 months & I might have a different answer, but for now, I'm 100% in the DE camp.

If you want tips on the shavette, let me know. Bring it to the meetup and I can talk to you about it. Which one is it?
I almost exclusively use SRs. I have a GEM I was given by a coworker that gives a great shave, a micro touch that is mostly for if I'm flying somewhere, and a Rolls Razor that I break out once in a while or take with me on road trips. Mostly I just really enjoy using the straights more but everything gives a gre as t shave. Don't touch carts unless I absolutely have to. They give me a breakout every time.