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Your Favorite AC Style Razor?


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Just like the title says...What is your favorite AC style razor? It can be in the style of a folding straight, kamisori, SE, or whatever.

With all the pass-arounds and talk of Vectors and Kais and Artist Clubs...I just might be in the market for one of these razors.

So please...tell us about your favorites and why?
My Asylum RX is my favorite SE AC razor. It’s in my wheelhouse with aggression and efficiency. Plus it’s really awesome looking.

My favorite SR/shavette style AC razor is my Bespoke Damascus folder with Bone scales. Haven’t used it in a while though maybe my SOTD today now that I am realizing I will have the time to slow down for a shave
I used the vector in today’s video, and I talked about how it instantly became one of my top 5 razors. It’s just a perfectly built razor and I think would suit just about anyone, regardless of preferences.

Some folks disagree with the RX or Cobra or other razors because of how aggressive they are. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone try the Vector, and not love it.
Trying to remember all the ones I've tried
1. Colonial General Aluminum
2. Colonial General Brass
3. Colonial General Stainless Steel
4. Above the Tie SE1
5. Asylum RX
6. Blackland Vector

I have owned 5 of the 6 above but used all 6 and knew instantly when I used the Vector it was the only one I needed for smoothness and efficiency. We're all different but this razor with a Schick Proline blade is heaven for me.
Of the ones I’ve tried so far, John’s nickle plated, brass Colonial General takes the cake.
Well tell us what you used so we know what you're comparing please
You’ll just have to read back through my journal!


I’ve used:
- Feather AC SS
- RR Hawk v1
- iKon El Jefe
- Occam Razor Nano
- Aluminum General head on SS handle
- Asylum RX
And then the nickle plated, brass General

I think that’s it.
Love the Vector. Want a Cobra Classic. Own the brass General, it is smooth and efficient.
I've tried the following:

Blackland Vector
Colonial General Brass
Colonial General Aluminum
Razorock Hawk v1

Out of these, both the Vector and the Brass General offer both smooth and efficient shaves. The Vector is a bit more efficient, while the General is a bit more smooth. Can't really pick between the two of them, they're both great razors. The Vector is a bit more ergonomic and nimble, but doesn't have the weight I prefer; the General has the weight, but not the nimbleness.

I have yet to try an RX or a Cobra, but eventually plan on doing so when I get back stateside.
Just like the title says...What is your favorite AC style razor? It can be in the style of a folding straight, kamisori, SE, or whatever.

With all the pass-arounds and talk of Vectors and Kais and Artist Clubs...I just might be in the market for one of these razors.

So please...tell us about your favorites and why?
the kai clone we have been talking about is good and in usa and less than 20.00. you do remember where i said i got it, right?
the kai clone we have been talking about is good and in usa and less than 20.00. you do remember where i said i got it, right?

I just want to see what everyone's favorite is. And I am really looking forward to trying out the Kai Clone!
Let's put it this way... once I got my Asylum RX, all of my other razors have been sitting unused, except for the occasional turn with my Stark. All of my DEs are out of the rotation.

I just want to see what everyone's favorite is. And I am really looking forward to trying out the Kai Clone!
Johns is a clone of the feather ss if you are talking about the pass around unless i missed something..i will have to re read that thread i guess. Hope you like it though.
I own the Blackland Vector and Asylum Rx. I like both, but the Vector is the clear favorite. It could be a daily driver for me, while the Rx could not.
I've owned a brass Colonial General & had the pleasure of using a Vector for about 2 weeks. That's the extent of my AC experience. Between the two I choose the Vector. I thought the brass Colonial General was great until I tried the Vector. It's not even close between the two. Vector is my choice 100 times out of 100.
Lots of Vectah love here. Christmas is coming.
The wallet’s getting fat. Please put a Vector in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a Vector, then a half Vector will do; if you haven’t got any, well then better think of something else.